Wilted Part 2

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Ship: Brotherly Princxiety, Abusive Anxiet, Twin!Logicality

Warning: Depression, bullying, self hate, and accusations/mentions of abusive relationship(physical and sexual)

Summary: Things start to resolve~

AU: Human Brothers AU

Words: 1161

Virgil's POV

I stared in horror, looking between my journal and Roman. I hid my journal in the trash because I though no one would look into a book that was supposed to be trash. I was so wrong. Before I could say anything, Roman spoke.

"He's abusing you?!" He asked. I gulped and looked down at my feet. I only had a towel wrapped around my waist, meaning my bruised arms and chest were in view.

'Calm down Virgil, you can lie your way out of this.' I told myself. "What are you talking about? I'm not being abused." I lied, looking anywhere but Roman.

"Okay then what is this journal Virgil?!" Roman asked, eyes narrowed at me. I thought I saw worry, but I ignored it.

"Look Roman, I don't need you yelling at me." I said and walked to my dresser to grab clothes. "I'm naked, get out."

"No." He deadpanned, making me whip around. "Look at your chest Virgil, your arms. He's hurting you, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because you don't care!" I screamed. It hurt. I never rose my voice for anything, my voice wasn't even used very much so screaming made my vocal cords burn. I shook my head and turned my back. "You know, I used to look up to you. You were my strong big brother, and you promised to protect me, and then I ruined your play and made you hate me. So don't act like you actually care!" My heart was pounding, and my eyes burned. Feeling something wet on my cheek I lifted my hand and felt as tears start to pour out of my eyes. I sniffed and wiped my face.

"I am sorry Virgil." Roman whispered just loud enough for me to hear. "When we were kids I was jealous. You stole the show, so I lashed out. All these years you've hated yourself because of me, but you deserve so much more." I heard him start to choke on a sob and turned a bit so I could see him. He was holding back sobs. "I do care, you're my baby brother Virge. Our baby brother. Even if I couldn't protect you, why didn't you leave him."

"I can't." I let out a shaky sigh. "He said he loves me, and that...that he's nothing without me. When he hurts me he apologizes. He's the only person that makes me feel needed. And I'm nothing without him."

"Virgil..." Roman started walking towards me. I felt my body tighten up as he got closer. I shut my eyes tight and felt him wrap his arms around my form. He was so much bigger than me, probably because he got proper meals, exercise, and sleep. "You're everything without him. You're a little storm cloud, but behind that cloud is the sun. I know what you two have isn't healthy."

I didn't say anything. It felt like forever since I was hugged so softly. Like I was thin glass and he didn't want to damage me. I knew he was right, but how could I end it? Deceit always knew what to say to keep me with him.

Roman's POV

Virgil felt so delicate in my arms, but I knew he was thinking over what I had said. The moment I got my hands on Deceit I was going to kill him. Reducing my brother into thinking he was nothing. Well it was my fault too, but I didn't mean it. Deceit was doing it on purpose.

"I don't know if I can Roman." Virgil chirped up, his voice low. "He always knows what to say to make me cave."

"Then I will go with you." I declared.

"Me too!" We both jumped and looked towards the door to see Patton, and Logan. Logan leaned against the door frame and fixed his glasses, while Patton walked over and joined the hug.

"Patton do you know what they're talking about?" Logan sighed.

"Nope, but Virgil is covered in bruises so someone's gonna die~" Patton sang with a smile that sent chills down my back. "Now, Virge get dressed and we can have dinner before a disney marathon. Come on Ro!"

I sighed at my big brother but nodded. I stepped away and followed the twins out of virgil's room and down stairs.

"How's you know something was wrong?" I asked as I sat down at the table.

"My Patton sense was tingling!" Patton grinned and made plates.

"No!" Logan glared at Patton. "We heard yelling, and you were taking a while so we went to check on you two. Honestly you guys are dramatic. However, with Virgil being abused by that annoyance that is Deceit, I suppose it's time for dramatic mesures."

"Got that right. Nobody messes with the Sander's brothers!" Patton smiled.

That night, the four brothers went over how they were going to help Virgil break up with Deceit. They decided that Virgil would break up and if Deceit tried anything the older three would break in.

Virgil's POV

I gulped as I entered school. I felt a hand pat my back and glanced back to see my older brothers. Roman and Patton gave me smiles of Encouragement and Logan simply nodded. I sighed and walked over to the staircase where I sat with Deceit most of the time. Anxiety was crawling up my spine, telling me all the things that could go wrong. It was really hard to push on, but I did it.

"Vee, how's my cute boyfriend doing?" Deceit stood up from where he was sitting on the stairs.

"Deceit, I think it's time for this..this too end." I choked out, clenching my fists. "I-I'm breaking up with you."

"No you're not." Deceit glared at me, his eyes carving into mine. "You need me. Who would love you besides me? Your family? Did you forget what Roman said? He basically said he hated you. They all hate you. Everyone hates you but me. You know that right?"

"That-That's Not True!" I stuttered a bit.

"Isn't it though?" Deceit put his arm around my shoulder and leaned close to my ear, I could feel his hot breath on the shell of my ear. "Roman hates you, you ruined his play. Patton is just too nice to admit how much he hates you. And Logan? He couldn't love you if he tried. Me on the other hand, I love you Virgil, I've always-" He was cut off by a punch. I looked up to see Roman glaring down at him.

"Stop lying Deceit, heh I finally get your nickname." Roman said. "You chose the wrong victim Deceit, and If I ever see you near him again You'll get more than just a punch in the face. Come on Virge." Roman grabbed my wrist and pulled me back over to the twins.

I looked back at Deceit, and then up to Roman. It could be the fact that he was wearing a speaking white shirt in a school hall with fluorescent lighting, but he really did look like a prince. I smiled a bit and pulled my black hood up to hide it.

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