Dog Days(No Ship)

563 18 18

Ship: Background Deceit x Thomas

Warning: Prejudice, bullying?, and mention of anxiety

Summary: After much convincing from his brother, Virgil stops by a coffee shop to meet, but of course, nothing can ever run smoothly.

Au: Dog Days/Coffee Shop!AU

Words: 1026

In this world everyone had a dog. When they were born the dog was born with them. Their souls are intertwined, if the human dies so does the dog, but if the dog dies the humans still live, but its a terrible existence, one full of pain and heartache, so much that many can't continue living. But because dogs are a thing that everyone is intwinex with, there are little laes about them. Dogs are allowed to go into any store, or restraunt as people often break down without them there.

Roman hummed as he sat in his friend's coffee shop. He had a brush and was calmly brushing his precious Poppy's thick tan and white coat. Beside him was his friend Logan, and Logan's Border Collie Sherlock, and across from them eorking was the owner of the shop; Patton, with his Golden Retreiver Cookie following him around.

It was relatively quiet, other than Thomas, another friend, and his boyfriend Dolos cuddling in some seats near by. Aladdin, Thomas' Black Lab, and Snake, Dolos' Dachshund, were laying on the ground calmly, well Aladdin was. Snake was mischeviously stalking around the calm lab.

"Ah how amazingly relaxing!" Roman cooed, petting Poppy's rounded ears. "Just friends and the smell of Patton's Cinnamon Rolls!"

As if someone wanted to ruin so much niceness, the bell jingled, causing everyone to look up. Whoever walked in flinched at the attention.

A young man dressed in black and had deep purple hair stood at the door. Beside him, off leash, was a black and white Pitbull with a missing right leg. The man's eyes darted around anxiously before he tried to back out again.

"Welcome to Cookie's Coffee!" Patton cheered, Cookie running out to great the potential new friend.

The man panicked, seeing the floofy dog running towards them. He scooped his 47 pound dog into his arms and held him away.

Cookie stopped and looked in confusion. She whined and scratched at his leg, causing him to flinch back.

"N-Nice d-doggy..." The man stuttered, gripping his dog.

"Come back over here Cookie, silly doggo." Patton cooed, petting her head when she came back. "So what will you be having today?"

"U-Uh we-well..." The Pitbull owner put his tripod dog down looked at the menue.

Roman frowned. He didn't like this guy, whoever he was. He had a Pitbull. Pitbulls. Are. Dangerous! And he looked like Hot Topic chewed him up and spit him out. Poppy growled at the Pitbull as he and his owner walked by, Roman smiled at her, missing the man's flinch.

"O-One tall black coffee, a dark chocolate dog bone, a-nd one..." he pulled out a piece of paper and started reading off it. "Deep chocolate unicorn roast, extra extra foam with rainbow swirl. And a rainbow Puppichino."

"Okei Dokei!" Patton hummed. "Name?"

"V-Virgil." He, Virgil, gulped out, flinching when he heard Roman laugh. He slid over a twenty and went to sit down, far away to wait.

Roman watched as he sat down, his Pit sitting in front of him like he was on gaurd. Snake, having gotten bored with Aladdin, stalked over and started sniffing the three legged dog.

"Dolos go save your dog before it's eaten by that monster!" Roman yelled, pointing to Virgil and the dog.

Virgil's eyes turned to a glare. "What is your problem?! Yes, he's a Pitbull, not a beast!"

"Haven't you heard, Pitbull's are dangerous!" Roman stood up, Poppy jumping to the floor.

"He isn't dangerous, and he's a lot more civil than you!" Virgil stood up and headed towards the door. "Come on Stitch, I don't care what Remy says about this place. I'm not staying."

"Woof." Stitch barked, gently moving around Snake when he tried to bite his tail. They disapeared outside, Stitch right behind Virgil loyaly.

"Roman!" Patton glared. "That was very uncalled for! And mean!"

"Also, American Pitbull Terriers are protective, and fearless. They have a playful temperment, and friendly nature with a strong desire to please. And due to them being bred to chase and subdue livestock they have a high prey drive."(Anerican Pit Bull Terrier Breed Info & Pictures|petMD) Logan said, speaking up for the first time in a while. "They are only dangerous is trained to be Roman."

"Hey darlings~" A sing song voice echoed, cutting off Roman's retort. tall male with dark brown hair walked in. He wore tight black skinny jeans, black boots, and a looser fitting dark red shirt with a bedazzled 'Don't Sass Me' on the front, and a dark wash jean jacket. He had dark sun glasses placed over his eyes, and in his arms was a tiny, fluffy, black and brown chihuahua, dressed in a black and pink dress.

"Remy!" Patton waved happily. "What are you looking for?" He asked when Remy started looking around, seemingly looking for something/one.

"Patton, sweetheart, my adorable baby brother was suposed to be here." Remy set his Chihuahua down and leaned over the counter. "Know where he is?"

"What does he look like?" Patton asked, dread in his chest.

"Darling boy really, little anxious but what can you do? He's a sweet little emo with popping purple hair and the cutest three legged Pitbull at his side." Remy gushed, pulling up a candid shot of Virgil sleeping with his arms wrapped around Stitch on his phone. "Ain't he cute~? It took so much convincing to get him to come here, he was so scared he wouldn't be accepted. Of course, he shouldn't worry, right Roman?"

Roman flinched and gulped. Remy spoke pretty words, but having been friends for so long left him able to pick up on the unspoken threat.

"He left, heres what he ordered." Patton said softly. "I'd love he came back though, I hope we can be friends!"

"Patton, you're a star among clouds~☆" Remy winked, taking the drinks. "Come Star, let us go find our darling emo."

"Arf!" Star yapped, walking daintily behind him.

Roman sighed and scratched Poppy's head. "You're all going to make me apologize, aren't you?"


"Yes, we are."

"Most defiantly."

"Of course not."

To Be Continued...

A/N How good is this? I'm unhappy with it because I feel like I always make Roman the bad guy when it comes to Virgil and it's really stressing me out! I like Roman, but he's just so easy to incriminate! But I feel so bad about it! I'm sorry Roman please don't hate me!!!

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