Light(No Ship)

769 22 9

Ship: None

Warnings: None

Summary: Virgil makes a late night run, and meets a new friend.

Words: 438

Virgil yawned loudly. It was roughly 3 in the morning, and Virgil was walking down the streets in the mindscape. Why was he awake, and walking the streets at 3 am instead of sleeping? You may ask, simple; the boy wanted some oreos and fruit punch and they were out.

Of course his Anxity and instincts were on high alert as he walked in the dark, but he wanting his freaking oreos dang it!

"Murrow." A loud meow caused him to freeze. Virgil looked down an alley and was met with two, bright yellow eyes. It startled him at first, making him stumble and fall on his butt.

"Ow." He whispered.

Whatever owned the yellow eyes walked out of the alley and onto the glow of a street light. A black and white cat became visible. It meowed and padded forwards, rubbing along Virgil's leg. The action caused a wave of relif to fliter through Virgil.

"Hey uh kitty." Virgil held out his hand. The cat nipped his finger and rubbed against his palm before slinking into his lap. It was then Virgil realised how thin the cat was. The realization made him frown. "Got nowhere to go kitty?" He asked. The cat meowed in response.

Virgil thought fpr a second, making a pros and cons list.

Pros: Virgil liked cats, he'd be saving a life possibly, the cat was calming, cats are cute, everyone likes cats, he could keep the cat in the imagination if needed
Cons: Pattons allergenic, Logan would be mad at first

"Want to come with me kitty?" Virgil asked, making up his mind after a full 10 minutes of thought. The cat purred and crawled onto Virgil's shoulder. Virgil looked away, but smirked a bit. He pulled out his phone and took a picture for snapchat.

'i found a cat. roman's been replaced.' He captioned and posted.

Virgil took the cat and checked the gender. Female. What upset was that she had a scar on her stomach, meaning she was fixed and had an owner once. "What should I name you?" He asked, looking at her. "Raven? Darkness? Nightshade? No, those are too emo even for me." Virgil sighed and looked at her with a hum. He looked at her white places, and her bright yellow eyes that seemed to shine. "How about Rinsa?" The cat perked up at the name. "You like that? Rinsa?"

"Murrow!" She purred.

"Rinsa, it means Ray of Light." Virgil put Rinsa back on his shoulder. "For some reason, I think it'll fit you just right." With that, the side and his cat resumed going on their way to the store.


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