Brothers(No Ship)

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Ship: Marital!Logicality, Sibling!Prinxiety

Warnings: Sibling bullying, mention of pass abuse, self doubt, and screaming.

Summary: Roman wasn't prepared for a little brother. Roman didn't want a little brother. But things escalated.

AU: Parents!Logan and Patton, 8yo!Roman, 6yo!Virgil

Words: 919

Roman frowned deeply, staring at the boy that latched himself onto his Papa's leg. The boy was smaller than him, with pale skin, and black hair. His eyes were big, and doe like, colored like deep chocolate. He was dressed in weird dark clothes, and the sweater he wore was way too big for him.

"Roman," His daddy called, smiling with his pale blue eyes sparkling. "This kiddo is Virgil, he's your new baby brother."

"What?!" Roman yowled, clenching his fists. "I don't want a brother! Why do did do you want another son?! Do you not like me?!" The 8 year old screeched.

"Roman, we love you." Daddy said, crouching down to Roman's height. "Listen buddy, you remember that scary orphanage right?" Roman nodded, glaring at the boy that was still latched onto his Papa's leg. "Well, the lady who gave you to us called and said that she thought we would want Virgil. He came form a very scary house, and could really use a strong, princely big brother to protect him. Could you do that?"

Roman huffed. "Fine! But I still get to pick the movies at movie night!"

"Very well Roman." Papa finally spoke up and crouched down, pushing the boy, Virgil, forward slightly. "Virgil, this is Roman. He swill be your older brother from now on okay? Can you say greetings?"

Roman stepped forward, still glaring as he watched Virgil gulp and shiver. Virgil turned and hid behind Papa's back, making Roman even more mad.

----Week 1 Later----

Roman walked into the living room and frowned. Virgil was sitting on the couch with Roman's Papa, and Daddy. He was reading out loud, and Papa looked absolutely delighted that Virgil was reading.

"Well done Virgil. You've surpassed the reading abilities for a child of your age!" Papa stated proudly.

"You're doing a very good job kiddo." Daddy swooned, causing Virgil's face to go pink.

Roman glared, and clenched his fists. Jealousy surged him forward, and before anyone could blink, Virgil was cowered on the floor, with Roman standing above him. Roman had darted a cross and pushed Virgil off the couch, and onto the floor before anyone could move to stop it from happening.

"STAY AWAY! THIS IS MY PAPA AND MY DADDY! YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM!" Roman yelled, ignoring the tears that welled up in Virgil's doe like eyes.

"Roman Prince Sanders!" Papa's voice rose, catching Roman off guard. His dads had never yelled at him before. He didn't understand why they were yelling now!

"Apologize to your brother right now." Daddy said, helping Virgil off the ground.

"No! Why are you so upset?! He isn't part of our family! So why do you care?!" Roman screamed.

Papa frowned darkly, disappointment written all over his face. "I am too upset to give you a proper punishment at this time. Go to your room." He ordered.

Tears pooled in Roman's eyes as his lip quivered. "I HATE VIRGIL!" He yelled once more before darting up stairs, to his room, and throwing himself on his bed to cry into the blankets.

----2 Hours Later----

Roman was laying on his bed. His dads came in, telling him he was grounded for a whole week. It wasn't fair! He didn't understand why his dad's liked Virgil so much. Maybe they didn't love him anymore? Maybe he wasn't smart enough? Or cute enough? Or maybe he just wasn't enough in general?

Tap Tap

A knock, so gentle Roman almost missed it, sounded at his door. Roman pulled himself off the bed and shuffled to the door. He opened that door and glared.

"What do you want?" He grumbled.

He watched Virgil flinch before the 6 year old pulled out a scraggly stuffed cat. "Hwere." He murmured. "Is sowwy for takin yous Papa and Daddy."

"What happened to your parents?" Roman asked, taking the cat questionably.

"Moder no wike me, shes puts me in dark box." Virgil shrugged. "I wike your Papa and Daddy, dey nice. Veril go now, no make Womin sad."

"Wait!" Roman said opening his door more before Virgil could turn away. "I said I would be a strong, princely big brother, so I'm gonna. Wanna play Dragons?"

A sense of pride filled Roman's chest as a smile filled out on Virgil's pale face. Virgil nodded quickly, letting Roman drag him into his room.

"This is my favorite dragon, but you can play with it if you're very careful!" Roman said seriously, handing over a dark blue dragon plushy with a light blue belly, and muted purple eyes. "I call her Wicca."

"Wicca pretty!" Virgil said in awe, petting the little dragon.

"Yes she is! She's a dragon witch!" Roman declared, grabbing more toys.

----1 hour later----

Patton peered into Roman's room to tell him dinner was ready. Sure Roman was grounded, but he would never make him go without dinner. As he peeked in, a smile fell on his lips.

"Patton! Virgil isn't in the playroom, or his bed-"

"Shhh, look." Patton cut off his husband, moving to the side for the taller man to peer in.

Virgil was curled up on Roman's floor, Wicca was curled in his arms. Beside him was Roman, his arms draped over the younger boy in a protective manner as they both slept.

"Aren't they cute?" Patton cooed.

Logan smiled slightly. "That I cannot deny. I suppose we can let them sleep, they can eat once they have woken up."

"I have a good feeling about this." Patton smiled, closing the door softly.

"As do I my love." Logan hummed, pecking Patton's lips.

The End

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