Hello everyone! I have something crazy to tell you guys! I am doing a series for my characters overload, scarla, mischief, Ty. Ext. and it will be called The Vengeful. It is a type of comic dub and I was looking for some voice actors to voice act some of the characters :3 in this chapter I am looking for some peeps to play scarla, overload and mischief I will give you there personality and lines :3
Overload: he is very sly and has some anger problems, yet he does have a soft side and can be somewhat kind to peeps.
"So we have no food, no water, it's dark and could be filled with creatures who want to kill us....this place is basically my home in a nutshell."(Scarla is closed)
Scarla: She is very bold and humble and isn't afraid to call someone a name but is worried of people seeing that she is afraid.
(Mocking tone) "Well Heya numb skull!! How are you?....not talking eh, well good I didn't want to hear your obnoxious voice anyway"Mischief: he is insane and....do I have to say more?
"You know what I LOVE about my life?, it is when innocent people plead as I rake my claws down there chest."
Please record yourself saying the line and either post it on YouTube and make a chapter and tag me in it or send to me on a app I have discoed, Skype and hangouts
Discord: JungleCatFan #4336
Skype: JungleCatFan
Hangouts: JungleCaFan