Chapter 8

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I look away, blushing. "I'm going to go for a walk." I say, turning around and opening the door.

"That's probably for the better. I'll be here." Rowan replies.

I glance back, his face is bright red. He adjusts his collar as I throw my head back and look away.

"Okay." I walk outside and walk to the outside of the castle. I sit on the grass and smile to myself. Reliving every detail of the kiss. It felt like our lips were made to be together.

I felt the connection between us. His lips conducted electricity with mine, but they were so smooth.

"Rose." A voice interrupts my thoughts. It's one of the bandits.

"Your father is demanding your presence at the camp tomorrow. Make sure you make it. I don't want him to hurt you anymore." The bandit says.

"Alright." I say. He turns around. "Say, what's your name again?" I ask.

"Zack." He says, walking away.

"Thank you, Zack." I say to him and then head back inside. I open the door to Rowan's and my room.

"Hey. How was your walk?" He asks.

"Good." I say, closing the door and then walking to my side of the bed. He closes the book he is reading and throws it to the side.

I sit on my side of the bed and then slide closer to Rowan.

"What'd you think about on your walk?" He asks jokingly.

"You." I tease, sliding closer to him yet.

"Is that so?" He teases.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. I was thinking about this one moment between us. It went a little like this." I say and then pull his head closer to me and kiss him passionately.

It's like fireworks are going off in my brain. I melt into him as he pulls me closer. We pull apart and gasp for air, shortly before we collide back together.

I reach for the bottom of his shirt and start to pull it off. We pull apart and I look at him.

"You sure?" He asks.

I nod hesitantly. Our lips collide back together and I pull his shirt over his head. Our lips only parting for his shirt to come over his head.

He puts one hand on my cheek and his other behind my head. I wrap my arms around his well defined shoulders. We both lay down and he rolls on top of me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he adjusts his arms to go on either side of my head. I reach my arms to the base of my shirt and I start to pull it off.

He puts a hand over mine. "Are you sure want to do that?" He asks.

I hesitate. Maybe I'm just doing this to take my mind off of my father. But I want him so bad.

He senses my hesitation and sits up. "We don't have to do it if you don't want to. There's no reason to rush." He says.

"But what if I never see you again?" I ask.

"You will. I'll make sure of it." He says. He goes over to his side of the bed and lays down. I roll over to look at him. He lays down on his back and I slide over to him.

I lay my head on his chest, facing him. He holds me with one arm like he never wants to lose me. The other hand slides underneath my hair and rubs the base of my neck.

I softly sigh and feel my eyes start to get heavier and heavier.

I feel the calming movement of his chest rising up and falling down. I listen to the steady beat of his heart.

The last thing I hear sound like a rumble from Rowan's chest.

"Goodnight, Rose."

🥀 A/N 🥀
Wow, a lot of bonding in a short time span. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, make sure to vote and comment if you did. I'm sorry it's a little short. There's only so much you can do in one scene.

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