Chapter 19

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I look down at my feet. I look back up and all the colors swirling suddenly stop. Each color turning into an individual dancer.

They all look up at me, but the only person I look at is Rowan. He's wearing a navy blue suit and his hair is slicked back.

I slowly walk down a side staircase and walk towards Rowan. All the dancers part for me to walk to him.

I stop a foot away from him. He reaches out his hand and I take it. He pulls me closer to him and I giggle.

"It's customary to dance at a ball." He says simply.

That's it? Not a hello? Or a you look nice?

The music gets louder as Rowan spins me around.

"I must warn you. I've never learned how to dance." I tell him.

"We as long as you don't step on my feet." He teases with a smile.

I smile and we start to dance. After the song finishes a slower song comes on. Rowan pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around my hips.

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. I lay my head on his shoulder and we slowly sway with the music.

Why is he being so cuddly with me now. No, the woman said, he doesn't deserve my tears.

The song eventually ends. I wait for the next song to start, but it doesn't. I pull away to look at everyone else.

The door that I entered through opens and I look up at it. A middle aged handsome man walks through. He has light brown hair. And my eyes. I squint up at him.

"Welcome everyone, to my ball!" He announces, spreading his arms wide. A smile spread across his face.

Rowan subconsciously takes my hand in his. I don't object, but I don't lean towards him.

The man looks straight at me and I look into his eyes. They look just like mine.

He looks away. "Let the music begin!" He announces, excitement filling his voice. Everyone cheers and the music starts up again.

I don't move until Rowan turns me to look at him.

"Hey, what's up?" He asks.

"No–nothing." I stutter and throw on a fake smile.

We start to dance again, but I avoid Rowan's eyes. A few minutes later, a hand taps my shoulder. I turn around.

It's the man that has the same eyes as me from before.

"Can I talk to you?" He shouts over the music.

"Uh, sure." I say back, my reply getting lost in the noise.

I end up nodding and he walks away. I grab Rowan's hand and follow him, dragging Rowan along with me.

Once we are in the hallway, Rowan looks at the man, then back to me.

"Who's this?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." I say. "He wanted to talk to me."

"I am King Douglas. King of the Winter District." He says butting into our conversation. We both turn to look at him.

Rowan bows and I follow his lead, trying to curtsy. I stumble and Rowan catches me, chuckling.

I smile and look back at the king.

"There's no need for that." He says waving his hand. "I've uh called you here as of important business."

"Of course. What is it your majesty?" I ask.

"No need for titles." He says. "Do you mind if we go somewhere more private?" He asks. "It's a little bit of a personal matter."

I look at Rowan and then look back at the king.

"Uh... sure." I say hesitantly and grab Rowan's hand and drag him along.

King Douglas leads us to what looks to be his study. I look around there's a big chestnut colored desk. Papers are scattered across the desk. He sit down at the desk and looks at us.

Rowan closes the door behind us. King Douglas puts his head in his hands and then runs his hand through his hair, looking back up at me.

"Rose..." He starts and trails off.

"How do you know my name?" I ask.

"I don't know how to tell you this." He continues.

"Tell me what?" I demand.

"Princess Rose." He rephrases.

"I'm not a princess." I say and look at Rowan for reassurance. Rowan looks taken aback.

I look back to the king. "Do you remember Damien?" He asks.

"Yes?" I ask.

"He was me when I was younger." He says.

I narrow my eyes. "What could you possibly mean by—"

"Are you aware of the bedtime stories about sorcerers?" He interrupts me.

I look over to Rowan and his eyes are wide.

"Yeah, but they're just bedtime stories." I respond, looking back at the king.

"Rose, they're real." He says looking me in the eyes. He looks over at Rowan.

I follow his gaze and Rowan has a completely normal expression. His fists are balled and he has white knuckles. He looks down, avoiding eye contact from either of us.

"Rowan." I warn.

He clenches his teeth.

"Do you have something to tell us?" I demand.

He looks up at Douglas, ignoring me. "What's your policy on sorcerers in this great nation of yours?" He asks.

"We accept them as long as they're not dark magicians." He explains.

I laugh. "You guys are joking, right?" I tease.

Their faces are completely serious. "Rose, they're real." Rowan says, still looking at the king.

"No, they aren't." I argue. I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I quickly wipe it away. He's not worth my tears. But, I don't want another fight.

"Rose." He says, turning to look at me. We make eye contact and he lets down his mask. Emotions come flooding out of his eyes.

There's wanting, and regret, and sadness, but also fear and worry.

He looks over at the king, and Douglas nods. He looks back at me.

"Rose, I'm a sorcerer." He says. It looks like a big weight has been lifted off of his chest. He takes a step towards me and reaches for my hand.

🥀 A/N 🥀
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