Chapter 27

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After cutting down quite a few of the robed soldiers, I take a step back from the action watching the battle. I watch as some of the other side's people are killed and then a lot of our soldiers are killed.

Hardworking soldiers that have a family.

I raise my hands and a gold light fills the room. The opposing army staggers and falls to the ground while our side's injured stand up, no longer wounded.

Rowan looks over and smiles at me.

I smile back and the light grows brighter. After it fades, all but a few dark sorcerers remain. I watch Samael from across the field. I run over to Rowan.

"You don't have to do this. We can figure something else out." He says.

Tears start to fall down my face slowly, "it's the only way, Rowan."

"There has to be another way." He insists. I slowly shake my head.

"If this works, we will both be dead-"

"But-" He interrupts.

"Let me talk, Rowan. I want you to forget about me and find someone who you deserve."

"But I deserve you." He says, a tear slides down his face and I wipe it away.

"No you don't, if anything I made your life more hectic. I also want you to show everyone, since you'll be king, that sorcery is okay."

"Rose." He says softly.

"Can you do that for me, Rowan?" I ask. He nods. I wrap my arms around his head and lean into him as we share our last kiss. We pull apart, leaning our foreheads together.

"I love you, Rose." He breathes.

"I love you too, Rowan."

Rowan's POV

I watch as Rose steps away from me with tears streaming down her face. She turns on her heels and a brilliant, golden light erupts.

By the time the light clears, a pile of rubble remains, fire spread around it.

I fall to the ground feeling numb. Sobs rack my entire body and somewhere along the lines, I feel Rose's father appear by my side. He sits beside me as we cry together.

I think about how the girl I love. Loved. Is dead now. The one who's joy and laughter would fill my day. The girl who I opened my heart to, spilled my secrets to.

The girl who once was timid around me, turned extroverted around me, would no longer be around.

It's one thing to feel pain, but it's only when you're truly broken that you feel no pain. When you are numb to the world.

I have to do as she wanted me too, find a girl who would be a great queen to lead the kingdom. I try to bring myself to stand up, but I just can't.

"Sir." A soldier says softly to me. I don't look up.

"What." I snap. "Can't you see I'm in pain." I say as another sob makes its way through my body.

"Sir, look." He says. Something about his tone makes me question it. I look up. At the burning pile of rubble that I can't bear to see. A hand reaches up from it.

Rose's father stands, hopeful. His eyes just as red and puffy as mine probably are. I stand up hastily, my hands fidgeting.

I'm not going to lie, I'm a little anxious, what if it's not Rose. What if it's my uncle. What if Rose's sacrifice is in vain.

My thoughts stop as the rubble is pushed aside to reveal a figure I felt like I've known my whole live. The one I love.

I rush over to her as she stumbles forward. I notice her hands on her stomach, red spilling out from behind them.

She walks towards me, her eyes wet with tears. She falls into the ground and I rush towards her.

"Medic!" I scream. I can't stand to lose her again. I start to pound on her chest, trying to get her to wake up. Her eyes flutter closed as a soldier pulls me back to make room for the medic.

He places his hand on her neck. He looks at me, his face grim as he shakes his head gently at me, moving away from her.

I scream, sobs ripping through my lungs. Tears stream down my face as I lay on her chest. It's so much worse to have watched the light drain from her eyes.

I lay numb on her for a while until her chest starts to move again, I stare at her in disbelief. Her eyes fly open.

"Rose," I breathe, picking her up. I start to run towards the kingdom.

Rose's POV

The last thing I hear before my eyes close is a soft promise from Rowan: "You're going to be alright. I've got you."


I slowly wake up to Rowan pacing next to me. I cough as he turns towards me. He rushes to my side, propping me up to help.

A nurse runs to my side and helps him. She starts to emit a light purple light, she's healing me. I watch as my broken collar bone lends itself back together.

I stop her before she can completely heal my stomach. I watch as it stops hurting, but stays as a scar.

"Leave it, I want a reminder." She obeys and leaves the room.

"Can you walk?" Rowan asks.

"Probably." I say, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I stand up and stumble into him. He helps me walk out to the courtyard.

I watch as people cheer. They're cheering for me. I wave my hand, signaling them to stop.

"I did what anyone would do to help their kingdom." I say loud enough for everyone to hear.

I feel Rowan leave my side and turn around to look for him. I see him on one knee behind me. I bring my hands up to my mouth.

"Rose, when you were willing to sacrifice yourself, you told me to find a girl that I deserved. A girl that would serve her kingdom."

I blush.

"Rose, you're that girl. Will you marry me?" He asks.

"Yes!" I say in disbelief. Rowan slides the beautiful ring onto my finger. It's not nothing, but it's also not too fancy.

He grabs my face with both hands and kisses me. The crowd cheers as we pull apart.

🥀 Author's Note 🥀
There will be one more chapter, and I'll probably make a sequel. If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment. Stay amazing!

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