Things get a little Tipsy

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Here we go again Little Jewels!!! I just want to say really fast THANK YOU for all of your support and Fun comments I Really like hearing from All of you!! Also good luck To those in school/homework/finals position/Jobs. . . . Seriously guys We'll need all the luck we can get!? Good Luck and Thanks!!!

Emilia's Pov

The Winter Solstice (1)

My breath caught and anxiety festered in my chest as I stared at Tylee, who was rubbing sleep from her eyes. Her hand stopped mid rub as her gaze caught me. To be honest I probably didn't look all that great; half my body was out of the tent flap, with the shadows my bag and box made me look twice as big and with a hunched back, plus I had guilt written all over me!?

I didn't know what to do! I had to go and find Aang! He was the only one who could help me home! I couldn't stay here, but I don't think I could win against her if she decided to stop me!?

"Oh, I guess it's time then huh." She whispered.

I blinked, ". . . . . What?"

Tylee then gave me a warm smile, "I always knew this was temporary."

Looking her in the eyes there was so much warmth and kindness, that all of my fears melted away, "I'm sorry I woke you up. . . "

Shaking her head she took a few more steps and embraced me, "I'm glad you did! I would hate to find your bed empty in the morning! I'd much rather see you off then find you missing. You're an amazing friend and I'm so glad we got to know one another." She pulled away and smiled, "And who knows, we'll probably see each other again real soon! I mean we're practically sisters, nothing could keep this duo apart for long!" 

It was then that I saw what I had been dreading on seeing. . . tears. Her warmth and her kind childish ways were slowly being brought down to show her true crestfallen feelings. Putting a hand on her mouth she bent her head down to my shoulder again. I could feel her shaking. I dropped my box and embraced her quickly, "I am so glad I was able to be your seventh sister. Tylee you are the best." I took in a big breath and let it out slowly, " Thank you for helping this clumsy stranger in re-learning everything."

Nodding she circled her arms around my backpack, "P. . . . Please be safe?"

I felt my arms stiffen at her question. I have been with her long enough to know what she wanted me to promise her, I had high hopes that I would stay safe. I swallowed, "I'll try my best."

She pulled away and wiped her eyes, allowing me to do the same. "Good. I'll see you later then." 

Nodding I gave her a small smile, "See ya."

The last thing I saw was her smiling face, hand waving me good bye as I ran.

I ran away from my only normal friend here. I ran away from my only solid source of food, payment and shelter. I ran away from ANY sort of normal I had hoped to have and into the unknown mysterious night. 

~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skippy

You know all of those great happy stories of Robin Hood and his Merry Men? Or basically any jolly depiction of traveling musicians? They are ALL FAKE!!!! Seriously it is a lot harder to cheer up a crowd and gain a following that will pay you then one would think. Okay so maybe some of my songs aren't the best to use here like 'My hearts a stereo,' or 'firework' or 'I've got the magic in me' or really any rock song. People here don't really do dancing for fun or high school kind of music, they do regular songs that don't talk about radios, guns, cars, magic or anything modern. the music they do and like to listen too are more story based which makes me have to rewrite some of my music that I have.

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