Chapter Ten

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I couldn't believe we were actually going through with it. We were going after Katherine Harris. I could almost hear Coldfront lecturing me when we made our plan. Green Light would be monitoring Katherine's activity for a week. We would confront her when we knew her routine and focus on taking down smaller criminals while we waited.

"Where's Gold?" I asked, glancing at Silver. We were already at a disadvantage missing Green Light.

Silver shrugged. "After we get so far apart we lose our telepathic connection. She texted me about five minutes ago and said she should be here soon."

I didn't know much about the twin's abilities. So far, all I knew was that they could fly, heal, and had a telepathic connection. They depended on being within close range of each other for their powers to work, and when one got injured, the other felt the same pain.

I was trying to think of ways to start up a conversation when Gold ran through the door, wheezing and coughing.

Silver placed a hand on her chest as she walked towards her sister. She turned to me and said, "Gold was on her way here when she heard a news report that Dark Skies is holding up a charity event at Iron Beach Property Management."

"Is she okay to fly?" I asked, noticing both of them seemed to be unfit for such a task.

"In a minute or two," Silver replied.

I nodded. "I'll run there now. Get there as fast as you can."

I already lost a great deal of energy by the time I arrived at the scene. Multiple police cars surrounded the building. I gulped when I saw my own father standing beside Aubrey's. Both were staring me down but made no effort to point this out to the other cops in the area.

Forcing myself to ignore them, I raced inside. Coldfront turned to me and crossed his arms, an unimpressed look on his face. "Look who finally decided to show up. You're always late. This time, severely outnumbered too."

I ignored Coldfront, eyeing the new member of Dark Skies. "Hello, Aphrodite."

Aphrodite placed her hands on her hips and smiled smugly at me. "Hey! Still having trouble with your endurance, Blue?"

I clenched my fists. She was already getting under my skin. "We had a deal. You aren't respecting your own terms."

"I had a change of heart," Coldfront told me in a demeaning tone.

Silver and Gold finally flew to the scene. Instead of using the front entrance, they busted in through the skylight, sending glass raining down on Coldfront. I winced, knowing we'd get blamed for property damage.

Aphrodite and Red Wave attacked as soon as the twins landed, both going after me. I ran behind them, then ran forward and kicked Aphrodite in the side. She dropped down on one knee. Red Wave charged, throwing a punch at my face. I narrowly avoided her fist, feeling the heat radiating from her glowing red hand.

A feeling of hopelessness hit me in the chest. My shoulders drooped. I wasn't strong enough to do this. We were outnumbered. Green Light was gone, and we needed her. People were counting on me. I'd only manage to let them down. I always found a way to fail.

Red Wave roundhouse kicked me in the jaw. I snapped out of the trance of self-doubt I was thrown into, distracted by pain as I clutched my jaw.

I glanced at the twins to observe how they were holding up. Dare teleported Gold out of the room. Silver panicked and turned away from Coldfront. He sent a gust of wind that knocked her out of the air before freezing her boots to the floor.

"Pay attention!" Red Wave shouted, punching me in the jaw. I fell to the ground with a screech. She managed to hit the same spot she had landed a kick. To make matters worse, I knew I had a third-degree burn. Tears blurred my vision. Red Wave dropped down beside me and tried to wrap her glowing red hands around my neck.

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