Chapter Eighteen

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"I'll patrol the south side today," Head Rush offered.

I sighed lightly, glancing at the cars racing passed the alleyway we were in. Patrolling the city without Green Light or the twins was difficult, but stopping any criminals with abilities was almost impossible. It was easy to take down ordinary street criminals, but that was because they were powerless.

With almost all of Night gone, there had been a sudden spike in crime that, ironically, I couldn't keep up with. Head Rush was even more exhausted than I was since he always ran into more villains than I did.

I tilted my head when a Lamborghini zipped passed the alleyway, definitely breaking the speed limit. It ran a red light that almost caused a crash. I glanced at Head Rush before pursuing the car. I immediately ran into traffic, leaving the Lamborghini to get farther away while I maneuvered through it. I hadn't sped up my reaction time, which was my own fault.

I groaned, already feeling my energy start to dissipate as I gave chase. The reckless driver already caused two crashes in the short time I had slowed down. To make matters worse, I didn't know which direction the car was headed in, and I'd constantly have to stop to make sure nobody was injured.

Head Rush grabbed my arm as I ran after the car. "Hey, they just went into Dark Skies territory."

"I know," I responded. "That's not going to stop me. Night is disbanded. Coldfront won't stop us."

Head Rush looked unsure. "Let's just be cautious, alright?"

"The car is getting away," I told him. "We need to hurry. It already caused several wrecks."

Head Rush and I barely made it passed the bridge before we had to stop to test to catch our breaths. In the split second that we had stopped, Dare and Coldfront decided to teleport in front of us.


Coldfront spun around, jumping when he saw us. "What are you two doing here?"

"I'll go get Red Wave and Aphrodite," Dare whispered to him before disappearing.

Head Rush gestured to the car as it circled back around. "We were chasing that car."

Coldfront raised an eyebrow as Dare reappeared with the girls. "You aren't faster than a Lamborghini?"

"You try chasing after a car driving at two hundred miles per hour!" I exclaimed. "It's not like we can stop it until whoever is driving stops. We'd cause a wreck. People could get hurt."

"That's probably Viper," Devin mused. "She's done stuff like this before."

"Didn't you say she was the only other villain besides you that should be taken seriously?" I asked Aphrodite, who in turn found herself being glared at by all the members of Dark Skies.

"What?" she asked. "You two weren't even villains yet, and I didn't know you existed, Red."

Coldfront rolled his eyes. "Okay, regardless if you were chasing someone down or not, you're trespassing now. We'll handle it from here."

"It's our job to take down villains," I said, gesturing between Head Rush and myself. "It's not like we came to attack Dark Skies. Neither of us held up the territory agreement in the first place, and Night has been disbanded for weeks. How are we harming you at all? Just let us bring her in."

"No. You aren't a part of Dark Skies, and unless you have the sudden burning desire to join, we get to take Viper down."

"Can I ask why you are in the first place?" Head Rush asked.

"Because reckless drivers annoy me and she's going to raise hell in my territory," Coldfront replied.

"You're as territorial as a cat," Head Rush muttered under his breath, tapping his foot as he crossed his arms.

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