Chapter Twenty Six

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*Samantha Tide*

I was ecstatic that Kieran and Sabrina were finally gone, considering I had been waiting for them to leave since they first joined. I had loathed Sabrina since I met her, but I had developed a special kind of hatred for Kieran. I almost couldn't believe I spent so long pining after him when he first left me.

Kit was another story. I didn't want to hate him. He was the boss and hating your boss sucks, but I couldn't help it. I despised him, though I wasn't entirely sure why.

I really only cared about Devin and Aubrey, but they both got on my nerves from time to time. Still, they had my loyalty and I was sure they always would.

I glanced over at Aphrodite as we made our way through one of Mendoza's estates. Thanks to Devin, she was distracted at the time.

I knew it was a very, very bad idea to steal from Mendoza, especially since she knew my identity, but I didn't really care. She couldn't threaten me with anything. I could have cared less if she tried to expose my identity. The woman had no evidence.

Aphrodite blew the security guards surrounding her a kiss. "It's been fun, boys! Now go wait outside."

I rolled my eyes as the guards swooned and filed out of the estate. Aphrodite was one of a kind, I'd give her that.

I walked upstairs and quickly found Mendoza's room, glancing around for anything valuable.

"Remind me why we're doing this again?" Aphrodite asked.

I set my bag down and pulled out a can of red spray paint. "Because we hate Natalia and we want to send her a message. Start bagging up anything valuable."

Aphrodite got to work as I covered the words Dark Skies on the walls and any piece of furniture big enough. I smiled and took a step back to observe my work before turning to Aphrodite.

She grinned. "Let's go."


Aubrey took a large gulp of water, then set the glass down and turned her icy blue eyes on me. If I stared at them long enough, I could almost swear they were glowing. She told everyone that they were contacts, but it was a trait she developed when she got her abilities.

I'm glad I didn't develop that trait with the probability that my eyes would glow red. I kicked my feet up on the counter and took a swig of bourbon. I immediately wanted to throw up, but it was starting to make me feel more relaxed.

"You shouldn't be drinking," Aubrey scolded. "You're underage, for starters."

I gave her a sly smirk. "You shouldn't be a villain, then. It's illegal."

Aubrey scowled at me. "You're one to talk."

I shrugged and set my glass down. "I'm a legal adult. I can make my own decisions, Aubrey. You're still a minor, so it's different for you."

"Are you trying to tell me I should turn my back on my life of crime?" Aubrey teased.

I snickered. "For sure. You should have joined...What did you call Night? Color Wheel?"

Aubrey nodded, trying to contain her laughter. "If I joined Night, we wouldn't have met."

That thought kind of hurt. I stood up, feeling sick to my stomach. "I'm going to the store. I'll be back soon. Want anything?"

"Popsicles," Aubrey immediately said. "Get Push Pops for Kit."

I chuckled, recalling how upset Kit would get when someone called him Push Pop. Ever since then, we only ever got Kit Push Pops for snacks. If we caught him eating one, we'd call him a cannibal. "Sure thing."

I made my way out of our headquarters, careful not to run into any of the other tenants on the way down. It was already dark, but not even a star was twinkling in the sky. The only light came from the flickering streetlights that made me feel like I was in a cheap horror movie.

I nearly had a heart attack when I heard footsteps behind me. I stopped in my tracks and turned around, ready to fight or make a run for it, when my eyes landed on a familiar blonde. "Hello, Mark."

Mark, otherwise known as Brute, shoved me back as a girl behind him stepped forward. Her cold eyes were alight with rage, but other than that small detail, she looked calm. She even smiled.

"Mendoza," I whispered, my eyes widening.

"It's Natalia," she corrected. "It's been a while, Sam, though I guess you're still upset about what happened last year. Is that why you stole from me and trashed my house?"

I exhaled, wishing I could turn invisible. "I did it because Coldfront ordered me to."

Natalia rolled her eyes. "I need you to do something for me. Think of it this way; if you say no, Mark is going to shoot you in the chest three times. Say yes and I won't have to kill you and that friend of yours. The one that parades around in a mask and a swimsuit. Aphrodite, right?"

I clenched my jaw before spitting out, "What do you want from me?"

Natalia smiled, flashing her pearly white teeth. The gleam in her eyes reminded me of a cat toying with a mouse just before the cat tore it to shreds. "I need you to kill someone for me."

I could have said no, but panic kept me silent. I didn't think Natalia would know to threaten Aubrey, but now I was realizing that if I didn't do this, my best friend could end up dead.

"I'd have Mark do it, but then people would know I was behind it. You're a little closer to her anyway. Her name is Sabrina Flynn."

My heart skipped a beat before excitement raced through me. "What could you possibly have against that billionaire brat?"

"She's Blue Blur," Natalia told me, tilting her head as she watched my reaction. I immediately feigned shock. "I heard she and Head Rush quit. Looking for revenge yet?"

"Sabrina Flynn is Blue Blur?" I questioned, making my voice tremble.

Natalia stayed silent for a moment, observing me through narrowed eyes. "Will you do it?"

"Of course," I replied. "I despise her, especially after she left Dark Skies. But...what are you going to do about Head Rush?"

Mendoza gave me that same cat-like grin. "Let me worry about that. I need him for something else."

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