Chapter Twenty Seven

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*Kieran Reed*

I was beyond shocked when Sabrina told me she had never had coffee before. So, obviously, I gave her twelve cups of the stuff. Our speed improved significantly. I'd guess we could run up to five hundred miles per hour on coffee, but we still weren't fast enough to break the sound barrier.

I was kind of sad I couldn't outrun a bullet.

Sabrina and I were running in a field, trying to get as much of our pent up energy out as possible. Being unable to patrol the city at night was almost like a foreign concept to me, and it was making me agitated. It had been a week since we quit Dark Skies and nobody had tried to talk to us yet. I wondered how much longer it would last.

I skidded to a stop when I tired and checked my watch. "I'm getting hungry. We should probably get home before we miss lunch."

Sabrina stopped beside me, trying to catch her breath. "My dad should be home by now since it's Mom's birthday. I told you we're going out for dinner, right?"

I nodded. "Several times. Do we have to get dressed up?"

Sabrina sighed. "Unfortunately. Don't worry, I already had a maid get your suit ready."

"Does it match your dress?" I asked.

Sabrina chuckled. "Of course it does.


We spent the entire day with Lilith and Robert. The Flynns were like a second family to me, but I never really had a first. Maybe Dark Skies could be considered one, but it was different with the Flynns.

I still didn't know much about Sabrina's father, Terrance. He was almost always at work, but when he was home, he was always kind to me.

Sabrina was family, but not in a sister type of way. She was the closest friend I had ever had, quickly surpassing Kit and Samantha. She never lied to me, and I admired her for that.

But maybe I liked her more than a friend should. I just couldn't risk our friendship by making a move. I guess I was a coward.

For dinner, we went to a fancy Italian restaurant. I never thought I'd get to eat there, so it was a happy surprise when I found out where we were going. We all sang happy birthday to Lilith after ordering our food.

Terrance turned to me with a huge grin on his face. He had a glass of wine in his hand and his fork in the other. "How are you enjoying living with us so far?"

I glanced at Sabrina. "I love it. Thank you for asking Detective...Detective Flynn." I almost slapped myself when I misspoke.

Terrance's eyes narrowed, and he looked genuinely confused for a moment. "You can just call me Terrance, son."

I smiled awkwardly as Sabrina grabbed my hand under the table, giving it a quick squeeze.

"Mom, I wish I had your hair color," Sabrina gushed, taking all the attention off of me.

Lilith smiled and shook her head. "Oh, Sabrina, don't be ridiculous. Your hair color is beautiful."

Sabrina took a long sip of her water, not replying. After we finished eating, Sabrina turned to me and whispered, "Mom and Dad are going on a carriage ride in the park. Grandpa's tired, so he's going home. Want to go to the movie theatre?"

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