Chapter Thirty

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I walked up to Devin after I had finished healing, unsure if I should ask him for any favors. Then again, he had just saved my life. What was one more thing?

"Will you teleport me home?"

Devin nodded. "Yeah, of course. I'm sure you're tired. Hey, Sabrina, are you okay? I heard about Kieran."

"I don't want to talk about it," I answered with a shake of my head. "Has Mendoza told you anything useful about Katherine yet?"

Devin sighed. "No. I'm trying, but she doesn't tell me much."

I bit the inside of my cheek, pain hitting me in the heart. "What if he's dead?"

Devin put his hands on my shoulder. "If Mendoza had him or Katherine killed, she wouldn't have hidden the bodies. She'd make sure they were found somewhere to send a message. They aren't dead yet. It will be okay."

I frowned, unconvinced. "Maybe you're right."

Devin didn't respond. He teleported us to my house, letting go of me as my feet met the grass. I turned to thank him, but he was already gone. I patted down my pockets for my phone, then realized I had left it at Dark Skies. I shrugged it off, promising myself to grab it in the morning.

After taking a quick shower to wash the blood off, I headed into the kitchen to grab a snack. A maid dropped a plate she was carrying when I walked passed her. "Sabrina!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Was there still blood on me?

She shook her head and took a deep breath. "Sorry, I just didn't hear you come in. You startled me, that's all."

"Right," I drawled out slowly with a nod towards the shards of glass on the floor. "Be careful."

The maid nodded, hurrying off to find a broom as I entered the kitchen. I grabbed several boxes of snack cakes out of the pantry, then raided the freezer for a tub of ice cream. I almost dropped it when I heard a series of whispers, jumping in terror.

After a confusing moment where I thought the house was haunted, I realized it was just the maid talking on the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling stupid. I set everything down on the counter before running upstairs, suddenly uninterested in any food.

I was standing in the doorframe to Kieran's room before I knew it. I rushed into his closet, tearing it apart as I searched for some kind of clue. I found his suit in his backpack, then abruptly stopped my search.

I clutched his suit close to my chest. "Where the hell did you go? I just want you back," I muttered, tears welling in my eyes. I fell asleep like that, on the closet floor, curled up in a ball.


My mother gave me a quick hug, then pulled away and kissed my forehead. "It's going to be okay, baby. Your father is figuring out what happened to him."

I nodded, though I wasn't really listening. "Right."

My mother brushed my hair out of my face, a warm smile gracing her lips. "I promise, Sabrina. Kieran will be okay, and he's going to come back."

I couldn't help but smile back. When she said it like that, I had to believe her. I hurried to sit down next to her. It was the Fourth of July, so the staff had the day off. We had one chauffer that was going to take my mother and me to the park after breakfast. I was just lucky my mother learned how to cook.

My dad was, of course, going to be away at work the whole day. It made my chest ache, but I pushed the feeling away. I'd get to spend the day with my mother. My grandfather would be back at noon. He was out doing God knows what. My dad would at least be back at eight thirty to watch fireworks with us.

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