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Jacks pov
"Where have you been young man "
My mom yelled when I walked in
"Making friends "
She walked over and I still had the door open and waved at A as she went into her house and she saw
"No not her not the mute "
" she has good reason to be a mute mom "
" like what jack "
" both her dad and brother killed themselves and her mom is always drunk and"
She stopped me then put on a fake smile
"Well should we go introduce ourselves jack "
" yes "
" bob let's go "
All three of us walked over to the house and knocked on the door

As pov
I heard the door to jacks room open I went to see what happened and when I did there was the new kid jack staring into his room. I opened my mouth and all I could get out was a
" j "
Sound he turned around
"I'm sorry I "
I put up my finger and walked past him into the room and stood there and then looked at the bulletin board and took down a picture of the two of us then handed it to him closing the door behind me. He looked and then handed it back
" Sorry but where's the bathroom "
I pointed to the door and then went downstairs with the picture in my hand and went to the kitchen and my mom started to yell at me
" just fucking speck seriously not talking isn't going to bring them back "
I didn't even move then she threw her glass at me all of the sudden jack was there and he was pulling me out of the house across the street to his house. We walked in and he put me on the counter then I realized I was bleeding I tried to get down but he stopped me
" let me help ok "
I nodded and then a woman yelled
" Jack is that you honey I thought the mute kidnaped you or something "
She walked into the kitchen and saw my back
"Oh hello who's this jack "
I turned and he said
" This is A from across the street "
"Oh "
She tried to pull him away from me but he didn't move till he was done bandaging me up then they walked into the other room. I could hear them fighting I walked in and turned my phone to him and it said ' I'm sorry I'll just go'
" no A I'm not going to let you go back there tonight not after what your mom did and I don't think you should be alone in that house tonight "
" jack honey y- "
"No mom you didn't see what I saw and you didn't hear what I heard "
" fine where is she going to sleep "
" sense it's clear you don't trust her she's going to stay in my room and don't get any ideas mom it's not like that got it "
" fine "
I looked at the time it was about 7 his mom left the room and went upstairs
" You hungry "
He said with a smile.

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