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After we ate we went up to his room. I looked around when he was in the bathroom
" Sorry about the mess"
He said trying to move things to make it look clean I laughed and then he said
"I guess there's no point in trying to clean you already saw it the damage is done "
I nodded then he walked to the closet and grabbed a pillow and blanket and set it up on the floor and said
" ok you get the bed and I'll take the floor "
I shook my head no and he responds with shaking his head yes for once I felt like someone understood so I gave up and got in the bed and he turned off the light.
I was 5 again and I had just found my dad, Jack tried to look but I covered his eyes then all the sudden it was that night again and jack was in my arms but this time he said
" I hope you're happy with yourself you did this "
And I looked and the pills were in my hand.
I sat up trying not to wake up Jack with my crying but it didn't work the light turned on and he got in the bed holding me from behind. He made us lay down and he kept telling me it was ok and he was drawing shapes on my back I soon fell back asleep.

I woke up and looked at the time 6 am I got out of bed making sure not to wake him and I went over to the closet and grabbed a hoodie. I took off my shirt and pulled the hoodie off the hanger and put it on and then turned back to the bed and jack was sitting up staring at me. I swallowed hard then he got out of bed and walked over and I was kind of scare. He grabbed the bottom of the hoodie and lifted it up and he was looking at my ribs and I quickly tried to pull the shirt back down but he wouldn't let me
" Did she do this "
I shook my head no
" who than "
I grabbed my phone ' some girls at school it's ok though '
Before he could respond his phone rang
" hey "
I walked out of the room and went to the bathroom. When I came out his mom said
" I don't know what he sees in you I mean you don't speak and it seems like he has to save you all the time I bet you sleep with any guy that talks to you "
She pushed past me and walked into the bathroom and I just stood there
" Hey there you are, my friends, are coming to visit "
I looked at him with a fake smile and I knew he could tell it was fake
" what's wrong "
I walked back to the stairs and when I got to the door jack tried to grab my hand but somehow missed and I opened the door and 3 guys were there and I froze and so did they. I pushed my way through and jack was yelling behind me but I didn't stop and I went home.

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