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I ended up on a random street and I pulled over and called Corbyn because he was the first one I saw when I looked at my contacts
" hey"
" hey "
" what's up "
" ummmm ok I know how this is going to sound but um could I spend the night at your house "
" yeah Ummm that should be ok "
He gave me the address I hand somehow mindlessly driven to his house that no one told me where it was
" ok I'll be there in a sec "
" wh"
I hung up and grabbed my bag the had my stuff in it and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell and I heard him say
" hide "
I moved from the door and waited for the woman that answered to close the door. I walked over to the garage above it was a window
" ok come on "
He said as he got close to the edge of the roof I threw my bag up then climbed up on the trash can then on to the roof
" Why didn't you stay at Jacks "
" didn't want to make things worse "
" then why not at Zach's "
" honestly I think if I did his mom would have given me a condom and said have fun "
" yeah "
He laughed
" and plus I really don't know much about you "
" what do you want to know first my dad drinks so does my mom my brother he's there favorite I was unplanned and unwanted"
" hey look who you're talking to "
" I'm sorry "
" it's ok ... do you want your parents to be sober "
" what are you talking about "
" where do they keep the alcohol "
" in the kitchen "
I went into the window and he brought me to the kitchen. I took a big sniff
" ok so I need the bottle of jack and the vodka "
" how di"
" After three years of a constantly drunk mom drinking whatever is cheapest, you learn what they smell like "
He got me the bottles I poured some down the drain and put water in. There wasn't much in the bottles so you couldn't really tell. When I was working on the bottle of vodka my hair fell in my face and Corbyn moved it then grabbed my face pulling it closer to his and he softly pressed his lips on mine he pulled away fast
" I'm I'm sorry "
" Hey hey it's ok "
" no, it's not you're Jacks "
" I'm not anyone's "
" but still he really likes you and"
" hey if you don't tell then I won't ... ps I can taste the liquid courage on your lips "
We put the bottles back and went to bed.

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