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As pov,
When he said that they were moving here I got really happy but then kind of sad because I knew he would leave me for them. We sat there for a moment then I heard something crash downstairs I got up and put my hand up saying stay and I went downstairs and there was my mom with a picture frame in her hand
" oh Hunny I didn't mean to "
I looked and it was a picture of me and jack. She took another drink out of the bottle of wine and I knew she was drunk
" let's make sandwiches "
Her words running together as she said it we went into the kitchen and she instantly forgot what we were going to do
" can you tell me what we were going to do "
I just looked at her
" speak ... SPEAK "
She slapped me and I tried to walk past her back to the stairs but she grabbed my arm and threw me to the floor. I'm not sure what happened but suddenly I was outside I looked around and all 4 of them were there I got up and Corbyn said
" A you can't stay here she's ab"
I covered his mouth
" he's right "
Jack said I looked at him and I could tell that he wasn't going to let me stay there even if that meant he had to drag me out
" look today's Saturday tomorrow you can go back ok "
I grabbed my phone and typed 'fine ' and they all got excited. For the rest of the weekend we hung out and I didn't go home. It was nice not having to constantly look over my shoulder.

" I guess you have to go back because of school tomorrow... text me if you need anything tonight ok "
I nodded and went home.

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