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" slut "
I opened my eyes and there was my mom drunk I got up and opened the app
" of cores, they'd let you out "
" yep you're going to have to try harder to get rid of me "
I crossed my arms
" so witch on did you screw ... the blond one I bet you did the blond one "
I slapped her
" God just talk for once "
" fine "
My phone said and I drug her to the bathroom and locked her inside
" sober up "
I said and she stopped moving for a second I turned and went back downstairs and Zach was on the phone
" yes mom she needs help "
" who "
I whispered
" I'm going to help you get your mom help "
" no "
" yes that's final A I-we can't let her kill herself or worse ... you "
I stepped back and sat down on the bottom step and pulled my knees to my chest and stared at the floor.

" ok they'll be here in about three hours "
Zach said and I didn't move
" come on A "
I still didn't move I could hear someone walking then jack picked me up and brought me to the living room
" This is for the best A "
I wanted to scream I wanted to tell them that they were wrong for doing this but nothing came because I knew they were right so I just stayed quiet.

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