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Jacks pov
She opened the door and there were my friends but then she walked out and I followed
" A come on please stop don't go back home please "
" ohhhhh looks like someone's getting the silent treatment "
Zach said
" shut up she's mute "
" what "
I walked over to her house and they followed. Her mom opened the door and she seemed sober this time
" jack what can I do for you "
" is A home "
" yeah upstairs "
She moved over for us to get in
" ok thanks "
We all walked in and I went to her room but she wasn't there then Corbyn opened her brother's door and there she was sitting on the bed with a piece of paper in her hand I walked in and she handed it to me and I read it quickly then she showed me her phone
' still, want to be seen with me ' I looked at her and she was crying I pulled her into a hug and then on of the other grabbed the paper and read it. Soon we were in s group hug I pulled away and I could tell they had all read it
" it's ok I wouldn't want to be seen with anyone else "
She smiled a little then Corbyn said
" I forgot to tell you we all convinced our parents to move here "
" what "
" yeah "
Zach said with a big smile on his face I know he was just trying to change the subject I was happy but I was kinda annoyed that he said that now.

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