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I was in my last class of the day I asked to go to the bathroom well wrote it on a piece of paper because we were watching a movie so I wanted to be as quiet as possible. I went down the hall and turned into the bathroom and went into the stall and then the lights went out and I could hear the door shut. I got done and walked out when something hit the side of my face and I fell to the ground then someone kicked me in the stomach multiple times and then they went and turned on the light and left. That's when I saw the long straight brown ponytail of the girl that I yelled at lunch. The door closed and I sat up with my back against the wall and found my phone and called the nurse that I befriended I hit the contact that said 'Jackie 👩🏽‍⚕️'
" Hello who is this "
" I-it's A "
" oh Hunny it's nice to hear your voice "
" umm do you think you could umm help me "
" what's up "
" can I come to the hospital after 4 and can you test for internal bleeding "
" what happened "
" I'll explain later "
I hung up and grabbed onto the sink and pulled myself up and looked in the mirror there was blood coming out of my mouth because I bit my tongue. I got cleaned up and went back to my class.

The bell rang and I texted the boys to meet at my car and they did
" what's up "
Daniel said
" who has there drivers license "
" I do "
Corbyn said
" good drive me to the hospital "
I handed him the keys and I grabbed my side and got in the back and they all got in and we went to the hospital. when we go there Jackie was waiting for us and said
" what happened Hunny "
" Some girls at school beat me up and something doesn't feel right "
" ok we'll get you all checked out "
We went and she examined everything
" ok so it looks like you just have some broken ribs "
She told me what to do to help it heal. We went back to my house after we were done with the paperwork.

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