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I woke up and none of them were up yet so I grabbed my shoes and went to the other room. When she answered I could tell that she had been up for a bit
" Could I um use your shower "
" of course "
I went and got cleaned up when I walked out I saw that I had 8 texts and 2 missed calls. Someone was pounding on the door and when she opened it it was Zach and he bent over and put his hands on his knees when he saw me
" God you scared us "
" sorry you guys ready yet "
Within an hour we were all back in the car and it was now 9 in the morning so we went to the center and got checked in and they told us where to wait. A little bit later she walked up behind us and said in a small voice
" A Hunny is that you "
I stood up and looked at her and she moved over to me and she was right in front of me she put her arms up to give me a hug and I flinched and tensed up and then I saw the one thing I thought my mom lost. I saw a tear run down her face when she saw what she had done to me.

Jacks pov
When we were waiting I kept looking at her and I could tell that she was nervous because she was bouncing her leg then her mom came out and she looked better a lot better. When she spoke I saw the one thing I've never seen on her face before it was fear when her mom raided her arms to give her a hug she flinched and tensed up. All I wanted to do was hug her or yell at her mom or something because this girl was the strongest person I've ever meet and I didn't want that to change but then she relaxed and wiped away the tear the had run down her moms face.

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