Chapter 1

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"Amber!" my dad roared from downstairs, "get your ass up, get down here and eat some damn breakfast!"

Ugh...there is my dad for you. He is practically my human alarm clock. It's just us in the house, I'm an only child and my mom walked out on us 13 years ago. 13! But I'm OK now. I haven't really seen her since I was 2. I don't remember her at all. I wonder how she looks, how she smells, how she sounds. I have always wanted a mom. I mean, my dad has had a few dates but nothing serious.

After 5 minutes of laying there on my instagram I decide I should probably go and get ready for school.

I roll out of bed, trying to stay balanced on my two feet, stumbling a little. Once I regained my balance again, I hobbled off to the bathroom to wash my face and put in my clear contacts.

Once I got there I used my acne wash and then put in my contacts so I could actually see clearly.

I looked hard into the mirror. Studying how my watering eyes had been shimmering in the bright bathroom light reflecting off of the mirror.

My hair was pulled up in a high bun that was now very messy from tossing and turning in the night. I just left it there for now so I could go eat breakfast.

I trotted downstairs and walked into the kitchen where my dad was frantically pacing around the kitchen. He appeared to be looking for something.

"Dad," I began "what's wro-"

He cut me off. "Amber where are my glasses? I need my glasses for work!" He exclaimed quite loudly as he continued to his search.

I looked around. I noticed something. "Do you mean the ones on your head?" I assumed.

My Dad reached up and pulled the bifocals onto his nose so the sat in front of his brown eyes perfectly. "Oh" he chuckled, "thanks honey...oh, look at the time!"

I glanced over at the clock hanging on the wall. Shit! 7:45!? "I'm going to be late!" I sprinted up the stairs rushing to get ready.

"Well, okay. Love you! I have to go to work. Bye!" My dad yells up to me.

I didn't even say goodbye. I was too busy getting dressed and doing my hair and makeup. I finally finished and it was 7:50. Ten minutes until period one started and I live 5 minutes away. I got this.

I grabbed my car keys and burst out the door. I pulled out of the driveway and headed to school to see my beautiful math test grade, see my beautiful best friend, and my amazing boyfriend on our 2 year and 3 month anniversary.

I finally parked my car in the parking lot and looked at the time. 7:57. I'm. fucking. screwed.

I grabbed my bag and swung my car door open and started speed walking to the school doors.

I burst in and got to my locker. I scooped up my books and rushed to Spanish. I got there, Sat down, and then the first bell rang.

Damn, what a morning.

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