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Izuku started to visit his mother at least once a week to keep her company. He decided to go to the pet store with Shouto to buy a pet for his mother. They entered the pet shop, the sounds of animals could be heard. Izuku left Shouto's side, looking for a pet. Shouto sat down at a table where two cats were. One of the cats walked away, Shouto sighed.
"Your buddy left you here too? Sad," Shouto petted the cat.

Izuku was too busy choosing a pet. A cat? A dog? A fish? A hamster? It was a hard choice to make. Maybe a bunny! He looked at the bunnies. Then, he saw the perfect one. A golden yellow one with blue eyes. It was called the "All Might" bunny or Toshi. He had a small fluffy green little bunny in there with him. "Awwh! This is so cute! The green one resembles me! I have to adopt these two!" He grabbed Toshi's cage and supplies for the bunnies.

"I want these two bunnies! I don't care how much they are! Just take the money!" He pulled out his wallet and shoved money into the cashier's face.

Once he paid the expenses for the bunnies. He took a picture of the bunnies and sent them to All Might.

#1 Dad (All Might)

Me (Deku): [insert picture]
#1 Dad: Oh my..oh my.. Goodness!
Me: ;w;
#1 Dad: You're keeping two bunnies for yourself? You're gonna be busy.
Me: Oh! It's for my mom.
#1 Dad: I'm actually at visiting your mom right now
Me: Nice! I'll see you there

Izuku saw Shouto sleeping with a cat. He looked adorable and peaceful. But, he had to wake him up. He poked Shouto. Shouto's eyes fluttered and he yawned, "Good morning.." he said.

"It's not morning silly. It's the afternoon," Izuku giggled. Shouto got up and let the cat he was holding go. "Did you find a pet?" He asked.

"Yep!" Izuku grinned, holding up a cage. "There's Toshi, the yellow one and Izu, the green one!"

"That's cute," Shouto said, holding open the door for Izuku to get outside. He let go of the door once Izuku and him go outside. They both walked down the streets, making their way to Inko Midoriya's home.


Sorry if these seems unfinished! This would have taken months to publish since I'm busy. More will be in the next chapter. Bye for now!

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