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"Well. That's something I.. I can't explain Wakiya.But that's not the point why did you run away? We were worried about you"
"Im sorry I got scared. I've never felt like this before Shu. I ran for no reason!" Wakiya said starting to tear up.
  "It's okay Wakiya"
Shu hugged Wakiya. Wakiya didn't expect it and blushed.
As they fell to their knees hugging each other they both blushed dark"
Wakiya loved Shu. And with Shu hugging him he felt like it couldn't get better.
"Yeah Wakiya?"
  "I..I think I love you Shu"
"I've always loved you Wakiya I don't know why it took so long to get that out"
  "Do we have to tell the others...?"
"Eventually yes"
  "Oh okay then"
Shu and Wakiya walked out of the room and looked for the others. When they met up they all hugged Wakiya and tried to ask questions but Shu said he needs sometime to answer them himself. They all laughed at that and got in Valts mom's car to go spend the night there. Only since it was late.
They all fell asleep but Shu. Wakiya turned around half asleep and Saw him.
  "Hey what's wrong?,"
Wakiya whispered to Shu.
Shu turned around and smiled.
"Nothing don't worry"
  "Haha that's a little hard to do don't you think"
Shu nodded and Wakiya sat next to him on the floor.
"How come the others are gone"
"You passed out when they went to Valts room to talk"
  "I'm glad you didn't go" Wakiya layed his head on Shu's Shoulder.
Shu was speechless and red
"Hm it's already six in the morning did you even sleep Shu?"
  "Yeah I managed"
Wakiya laughed a little.
"I know your lying. Other people might not notice but I feel it's obvious when you lie Shu" Wakiya smiled at him.
  Shu chuckled
"You cought me. I'm sorry it was just hard to sleep"
  "No don't be I understand"
"Hey Wakiya...?"
  "Yeah what's up"
Wakiya looked at shu slightly worried. But as it seemed Shu was getting up he was not. He stood on his knees in front of Wakiya and leaned in slowly kissing the blonde. Wakiya faded into the kiss seconds later.
Shu pulled away slowly and smiled at Wakiya.
"Sorry I couldn't help It"
Wakiya face was really red but you could hardly see it luckily the sun was coming up. Wakiya looked down as Shu stood up and sat on the couch. Wakiya was stunned about what just happened. He had wished it never ended but Valts mom turned on the kitchen light and noticed them awake
"Well you two are up early, I'll cook some food real soon okay?"
The boys both nodded and said yes ma'am to her. Not to long after that the boys all woke up and ate the food. One by one they left but before that Shu and Wakiya were in the park on the swings together.
"I had fun honestly" said Wakiya
  "Me to"
The boys got up to walk around but when they stopped at the tree they got tired of walking. Shu leaned against the tree. Wakiya watched him do so then looked around.
"I love you Shu.."
Shu blushed and looked up
  "I love you too"
Wakiya could hardly resist it anymore. He stood in front of shu. Shu looked up at Wakiya to see what he was doing. Wakiya rapped his hands around Shu's waist pulling him close making their hips touch and there stomachs touch that they were so close. Their faces were very red.
Shu's arms wrapped around his neck as Wakiya's were still around Shu's waist. They both leaned in and kissed each other deeply. Once they were done there heads touched each other as they stared into the others eyes. Little did they know there was a little pink haired girl who had a crush on Shu watching them. She gasped at the sight to go grab her older brother. By the time he got there the were sitting back to back next to the tree.
"Uh shu??? Wakiya???" Said a familiar voice.
Wakiya turned around and Shu looked up the hill.
"Hey valt" said Shu


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