Chapter 3

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Just a normal school day, but why did it feel different than usual? I slightly looked to my side noticing Jungkook looking at me. As fast as I could I looked back at my book.

Ever since that night at the bar, he has been staring at me at school and it's creeping me out. What does he want? The voice of the teacher suddenly started to become softer and softer while I felt my head starting to spin. What is happening to me? Before I know it everything went black before my eyes.



A heavy sound echoed through the room and everyone their eyes shifted to the back, to Y/N her spot.

''Wow this time she fell asleep in an instant'' Doyoung commented while the teacher made her way to Y/N her desk.

''Did you hear that sound though? She is gonna have a big bump on her head for sure'' Woosung slightly laughed. I leaned my elbow on the table resting my head in my hand. Same routine as always of the teacher waking her up.

Like usual the teacher slammed her book on Y/N her desk only this time there was no reaction at all. The whole class started to become noisy as people started to talk among themselves about the situation.

''Seems like she is sleeping deeper than usual'' Doyoung mentioned. His eyes focused on the scene.

''Y/N'' The teacher spoke while slightly shaking her body but once again no reaction at all. My eyes widened when I noticed what was going on. The attention shifted to me when people noticed me standing up from my seat. I quickly pushed Doyoung his chair out of the way while I made my way to Y/N and the teacher as fast as I could.

''Y/N'' the teacher kept on trying to wake her up. Once I reached the table I placed my arms around Y/N lifting her out of the chair.

''Jungkook?'' The teacher questioned as well as everyone else did.

''She isn't sleeping...she fainted'' I informed before making my way out of the classroom as fast as I could.


''Is she awake?'' I questioned the nurse who replied to me with a smile.

''Yeah she is awake and well'' she informed making me nod my head.

''Thank you'' I bowed. Seriously why is she even working so late at night? That girl is a bigger idiot then I thought she is. I left heading back to the classroom to inform the teacher about Y/N her well being. Later that day she started attending the classes again as usual.

''Hey hey don't you think Y/N will have a crush on Jungkook from now on'' Woosung joked making Doyoung laugh. Usually, I would ignore their meaningless conversations, but this time I actually started to pay attention.

''I know right! Ya Jungkook you looked so cool carrying her like that. Such a hero!'' Doyoung added bumping my side.

''Yeah you even made my heart race'' Woosung chuckled.

''She doesn't even know that I brought her to the nurse office'' I spoke while continuing working on my notes.

''Didn't she see you when she regained consciousness?'' Woosung asked shoving his chest against my back from behind.

''Nope I left after the nurse told me she woke up'' I explained making the both of them go 'OOHHH'

''Maybe it's for the best. I'm sure she would become your stalker seeing you as one of those anime heroes.'' Woosung stated making Doyoung grab my chin and making me look at him.

''Don't you think he looks like a guy straight out of an anime tho. Look at this handsome face and those amazing eyebrows.'' Both of them cracked up in laughter while I nodged my head away from his grip.

''You guys are unbelievably stupid'' I chuckled trying to focus on my work again.



The school day was over, but just as I was about to leave the teacher told me that the principal wanted to talk to me. This could not be good.

''Ah Y/N have a seat'' principal Wong greeted me with a warm smile. I bowed my head and took a seat in the chair across of his desk.

''How are you? I heard you fainted today'' He began. I smiled and replied to him telling him fine.

''You might know why I have called you here'' he spoke making me nod my head.

''Sleeping too much during lectures and getting late'' I pointed out making him nod his head.

''At first, I didn't really make such a problem of it because your grades were extremely good, but the teachers and I have noticed your grades dropping. If this continues we no longer think it's a good idea to keep you here at our university.'' The principal explained making me nod my head.

To be honest, this was something I already saw coming, but it doesn't mean I'm giving up.

''I completely understand and I will promise to work on myself!'' I bowed my head hearing him chuckle.

''If you have any problems don't hesitate to tell me about it okay?'' he winked making me smile and nod before leaving the room.


''OMG I'm late!'' I shouted out loud as I ran my way to Minjoon his school. Once I reached it I noticed a lot of children with their parents, but where is Minjoon?

''Ah Minjoon!'' I shouted noticing him among the crowd, but he wasn't alone. Next to him stood a boy around the age of 8 perhaps another kid that goes to this school, and a male figure crouched down in front of Minjoon talking to him. Maybe that's the father of the other kid.

''Minjoon!'' I shouted catching his attention this time. His eyes lit up once he noticed me and when I reached closer he stormed towards me attacking me with a hug. I bent down catching him in my arms while he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck.

''You're late'' he pouted making me chuckle.

''Sorry'' I muttered attacking his cheek with kisses making him giggle. I stopped moving when I laid eyes on the person who I saw from a distant.

''Jungkook..'' I spoke shocked.

''Ah this is Joontae'' Minjoon spoke excited while pointing at the young boy next to Jungkook.

''And his Hyung Jungkook. They kept me company while I was waiting for you'' He smiled happily to me. I bowed my head to the both of them as greeting

''Thank you for keeping Minjoon company'' I spoke. My heart stopped for a second when Jungkook shoots me a smile. This is the first time....that I see him smile.

''No problem'' He replied to me. The both of us didn't talk anymore but just kept looking at each other.

''Eomma what happened here?'' Minjoon interrupted his cold fingers carefully touching my forehead where I had a bump.

''Ah it's nothing just a small bump'' I smiled. My ears started to turn red when I noticed that Minjoon called me Eomma. What if Jungkook thinks I'm his real mom?!

''Well have a nice day'' I blurted out as fast as I could and walked away with Minjoon in my arms.

''Ah wait up!'' I felt Jungkook grab my shoulder and before I know it he was walking next to me together with his little brother.

''How are you feeling? You fainted pretty sudden'' Jungkook began making me clench my teeth. I was hoping that Minjoon didn't hear what he said, but unfortunately, he did.

''Faint? Noona you fainted?'' he asked me and his voice already started to become unsteady. I noticed his hands starting to shake while I shook my head.

''No Minjoon- ah not like that'' I tried to make him think otherwise, but it seemed his mind was already traveling back to a horrible experience he had in the past.....

A Little Burden ( J.JK)Where stories live. Discover now