Chapter 9

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I straightened out my pencil skirt my eyes focusing on Jungkook who was still peacefully sleeping on the couch. Should I wake him up or....?

''Jungkook'' I muttered while kneeling down in front of him. For some reason, I was scared to wake him up. What if he is one of those types who gets super annoyed once you wake them up.

''Jungkook'' I poked his cheek carefully with my finger. I really had to go soon. Luckily the rain died down already so it's better for him to leave right now. I sighed from frustration noticing how he didn't bother to react at all...Maybe I should just leave him here. Or perhaps he will wake up later and leave himself. Let's just hope that's it! I glanced back at my watch and quickly got out of my position. I have to leave right now! I grabbed all the stuff I needed and headed out as fast as I could not wanting to be late at work.


''You seem rather distracted'' Seoyun commented from behind me making me squeal.

''Geez don't creep up from behind me like that!'' I spoke while rubbing the side of my arms to get rid of the goosebumps. She burst out in short laughter before scanning me like a hawk. 

''What's on your mind little lamb?'' She questioned taking close steps towards me. 

''I feel uneasy about leaving someone alone at my house'' I answered making her eyes widen. 


''Just someone'' I replied shortly making her nod. It's normal for me to be very private so I'm sure it didn't surprise her at all. 

''Then you should head home for today'' she commented making my eyes widen. I have only been working for 2 hours. Right now it's like 1 am, thinking about it getting home around a time like that would be nice once in a while. But there is no way my boss will allow it. 

'' It sounds nice but the boss would never let me go'' I spoke in honesty and hearing myself say it made me feel sad. I wish I could for once just stay home and get some decent rest...

''Don't worry I will talk to him'' Seoyun spoke while ruffling my hair and shortly taking her leave after. I couldn't help but soften looking at her back walking away from me. She feels....just like a sister. 10 minutes after she returned and till my surprise the boss granted me permission to leave for today. Being extremely grateful I thanked her a thousand times as well as my boss before grabbing my jacket and purse to head home. 


Unfortunately, I barely have any gas left in my car and decided to take the subway to work. Luckily it would only be a small 15-minute walk from the subway towards my house. 

The doors are opening, please stand back

''Almost home..'' I muttered to myself while exiting the subway. Once my heels collided with the ground of the empty streets I felt an uneasy feeling. A feeling of being watched...and having no one outside at this time made that feeling ten times worse. Maybe it's better to take the shortcut home. I could hear my heels echoing through the alley occasionally scraping against the floor as  I was walking to fast. 

''Miss why are you walking so fast?'' My heart started to beat rapidly as my hands started to sweat hearing a voice behind me. I looked back seeing a man following behind me, he was on the same subway as me and even since then I could feel his eyes looking at me. I decided it would be for the best to ignore him and just get home as fast as I could, but before I know it he ran up to me in a fast pace grabbing a hold of my wrist.

''Let me go!'' I screamed instantly while screaming into his face. A smirk grew on his face while I could smell his breath reeking of alcohol. He was wearing a suit his tie already undone as if he just came from work. His laughter started to echo through the alley while he pressed his face against my ear.

''You smell nice'' he commented making goosebumps appear all over my body. I froze up feeling him grab my waist pushing me harshly against the wall. I'm scared...I am really scared to the point my body was going to shut down.

''Stop!'' I screamed from fear my hands trying to push him away but instead, his large hands took a hold of my jacket pulling it off my shoulders before grabbing a fist of my hair. My hands reached for his hands trying to get it undone from his grip but the heels under my feet were making it hard for me to stand. Before I know it my back once again collided with the wall and my legs turned into jelly. I sank to the ground his hands giving a harsh pull on my blouse ripping the buttons off. Tears started forming in my eyes feeling him force his body against mine. I started to feel things I didn't want to feel. 

''Please stop'' feeling pathetic as I cried it out I covered my chest with my hands. The man pressed his face into my neck attacking it with his lips. As I started to squirm I fell to the side only to have him hover on top of me. What should I do!? I don't want this.....

I pulled up my knee trying to kick him between his legs but noticing how it didn't work he only started to laugh more. 

''Don't struggle baby'' he whispered against my chest while the only thing I could do was reply with a cry. One of his hands got a hold of both of my wrist pinning them above my head on the dirty ground. His other hand ripped my skirt till my upper thigh while I still tried to struggle with all I got...He is just so strong. I cried watching him unbuckle his belt biting his lip in pleasure before kissing multiple areas around my chest. 

I screamed from fear and once again pulled up my knee with as much strength as I could. Hearing him moan from pain and feeling his hand loosen around my wrist sparkled hope within me. I grabbed his hair with my hands and kicked him once again while pushing him next to me. As fast as I could I stood up from the ground making sure to grab my purse with my belongings. Hearing him grown made me think I could get away but once again my wrist got grabbed. As a reflex, I bent down reaching for my shoe taking it off in a second. And before he could turn me back around I swang the heel against his head. My eyes widened seeing blood stream down the side of his face while his body slowly sank to the floor. 

''You bitch'' He groaned as he applied pressure to his wound but I could see that he was getting lightheaded with the minute. I dropped the shoe to the ground and ran away as fast as I could. 

Seeing my house finally in sight made more tears appear in my eyes. Luckily I didn't run into anybody on the streets looking like this. I tried to cover myself up as much as I could but almost all the buttons on my blouse were ripped off and on top of that, I didn't have my jacket with me anymore. 

Tears blurred my vision as my trembling hands were trying to unlock my door. I'm sure Jungkook is gone already, I wouldn't even dare to come home knowing he would still be here. Right now I just want to be alone...

''Ah please..'' I cried starting to become frustrated about unlocking the door. What if he caught up to me?! A small happy cry left my mouth once I finally unlocked the door. Not bothering to take off my last shoe I stumbled my way to the living room my legs still feeling like jelly from the event. The first thing my eyes did was look at the couch. Seeing that Jungkook wasn't there and the blanket folded made my heart feel at ease. That means he left already...but that thought changed once I heard something shatter against the floor coming from my left. Looking towards the kitchen my eyes widened seeing Jungkook....with a cup shattered around him. His hands started to ball into fists while my lips started to tremble.

''J-Jungkook'' I cried out

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