Chapter 23

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-Y/N's POV-

I felt a quite large hand gently rest on my head and the sobbing sounds I was making stopped.

''Y/N?'' the male asked and focusing completely on his voice my eyes started to widen. I slightly pulled my head away looking up as I started sniffing.

''Woosung...oppa'' I muttered a bit shocked but at the same time, I felt so relieved seeing a familiar person. He smiled but it soon faded away once he looked past me. I also slightly looked over my shoulder only to come eye in eye with the men that were chasing me. Before I could say anything Woosung grabbed my wrist gently pulling me behind him. I felt bad for pulling him into my mess. 

''Gentleman, can I help you?'' He smiled at them. I was leaning my head against his back not wanting to witness the bad things that might happen, but as I did so I noticed that his body wasn't tense at all. Almost as if he isn't scared one bit.

''Get lost kid while we give you the chance'' I could hear the familiar voice reply before the sound of someone clearing his throat and spitting on the ground. My eyes focused on Woosung his hand seeing it slip into his pocket reaching for his phone. Is he going to call the police? He scoffed a small laugh before typing something on his phone. As he did I tried to peek from behind looking at the group. Some of them looked scared....but why?

''Doesn't he look familiar?'' One of the men muttered to another loud enough for everyone to hear.

''You guys clearly don't know who I am?'' Woosung chuckled awakening annoyance within the man in front of him.

''Why should we care little boy'' he replied back a smirk forming on his face as he slipped his hands into his pockets.

''Cause this little boy can cause you to lose your job and end up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life'' Woosung replied confidently. It almost seemed as if he was joking but the tone in his voice clearly said otherwise. Looking at his back I started to think. There is so much that I do not know about him.....

''Yaa we should get out of here. I told you he looks familiar'' one of the men started to panic while bumping the guy who tried to abuse me before against his shoulder.

''So what if he looks familiar!'' he was clearly getting mad as he slapped his hand away.

''Dude he is Mr. Kim his son.....The CEO of SK Holdings'' My eyes started to widen hearing that. SK holdings is a very wealthy company and according to what I have heard they have a lot of power in this country. So what Woosung just said....wasn't an empty threat. He could really make these men lose their job and end up in a wheelchair if he wanted to. 

''Tch I don't want to see that woman ever again anyways. Let's go'' I closed my eyes focusing on the multiple footsteps that I heard walking away from us.

''Never knew that just hearing my name would make them scared'' Woosung chuckled before turning around.

''Are you okay?'' Once again his hand reached for my head slowly brushing my hair. It felt like being taken care of by an older brother.

''Thanks to you. Why are you here actually? You don't live near here right?'' I asked making him smile.

''I was sleeping at a friends house but I got an urgent phone call from my mother that I had to be home at 7 am. So in order to be on time, I had to leave this early'' he sighed making me nod.

''Thank you so much....for helping me. I don't even wanna think about what could happen if you weren't here'' I admitted and feeling myself say such cheesy words make me embarrassed.

''I'm extremely glad that I decided to head home by myself rather than have my driver pick me up.'' Hearing him say that made me smile. Out of the two close friends, Jungkook has Woosung always seemed like the type who smiles a lot. 

''How much longer till you get home?'' He asked causing me to point towards the left side.

''Just have to head to left and then all the way straight and I'm there'' I smiled and before I know it he grabbed my hand in his smiling.

''Great I can drop you off home and still be on time at my house'' he began but I slightly pulled my hand back shaking my head.

''Oh no you don't have to-''

''Left was it?'' He asked totally ignoring me as I wanted to decline while he grabbed my hand again. I guess he is also the type who doesn't take no as an answer when he doesn't want to hear it. 

''Yeah left'' I spoke deciding to just go with it.



-Jungkook's POV-

Okay, Jungkook today you will talk to her.....but, not at school. No not at school maybe....oh right when she is going to pick Minjoon up from school. I will wait for her as I pick Joontae up. Yes, that's good then we can speak alone. Jungkook you're so smart.

I was seated at my table waiting for all the students to arrive as well as the teacher. Shortly after Woosung hyung and Doyoung hyung arrived as well taking their usual spot which was beside me and Woosung hyung behind me. 

''So how is business going?'' Woosung hyung asked making me sigh. Just thinking about all the work my dad is shoving on me makes me wanna fall asleep and never wake up.

''More then I can handle'' I replied and I could see his expression change to a worried one as he lightly massaged my shoulder.

Just then my eyes focused behind him seeing Y/N enter the classroom she looked our way but shifted them to the ground again once they met mine. I really have to clean the bad air between us......I miss her...My eyes wouldn't leave her seeing her walk towards us. She has to pass us before getting to her seat.

''Y/N are you okay?'' Woosung hyung suddenly spoke making me a bit shocked. Were they always such good friends?

''Thanks to you I am. Once again thank you oppa'' she smiled before quickly heading to her seat once the teacher arrived. I stayed frozen on my spot feeling a vein in my neck pop. Oppa? Oppa! She never called my oppa and I'm older than her as well. 

''Did we miss something?'' Doyoung hyung asked making me look at Woosung in curiosity. We obviously did miss something. 

''I ran into her yesterday when I was heading home early. Just in time cause, she was being chased by a group of men...I'm just glad that I was the one she bumped into.

My mouth fell open and my hands started to tense up. If I would just keep my promise of picking her up every day after work that wouldn't have happened. How scared she must have been running into those men.....

''That's awful...'' Doyoung hyung breathed out making me nod. 

''I don't know what's going on between you guys, but you better make it up to her. I won't be able to be there for her every time she needs someone....'' Woosung sighed before looking properly at me.

''What I'm trying to say is that I'm probably not the one she wants to see when she is in need of someone. We all know it has to be you and using your dad and being the heir as an excuse isn't wise. What are you afraid of?'' he asked making me lower my head.

''Afraid of falling for her.....more like I have already fallen for her'' I admitted. Hearing myself confess so softly made me want to hide under my desk right now.

''It's not a bad thing'' Doyoung hyung spoke softly from beside me while rubbing my back.

''In my position it is'' I muttered, the both of them know pretty well what I am talking about. 

''It's not. You just think that way, but you haven't tried it yet. Loving someone isn't a crime Jungkookie I just wish you would embrace the feelings you feel for her instead of shoving them away from you'' Doyoung hyung replied while Woosung nodded.

''Just because your father's own fancy companies don't mean you don't have to pay attention during class. Less talking more writing boys'' The teacher scolded making us bow our head and focus on the lecture this time. 


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