Chapter 21

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-Y/N's POV-

It felt weird to be at school again but also joyful. Finally, I could get back on the tracks and honestly I was totally ready to learn for the tests and just being done with it. During the lecture, I was trying my best to pay attention and take important notes. but my mind kept on being distracted. It all happened this morning when I greeted Jungkook and his friends. Doyoung oppa and Woosung oppa greeted me so warmly but Jungkook......he only smiled a bit and nodded. On top of that he didn't try to talk to me for the whole day it's like he is acting like we are strangers. Did I do something? 

- End Y/N's POV-


-Jungkook's POV-

''Yo Jungkook did something happen?'' Doyoung Hyung asked bumping my side as I was busy taking notes. I just shook my head trying to keep my mind with the lecture. 

''Why are you treating Y/N as if she is a stranger?'' He questioned making me freeze up in my seat. 

''Nothing happened between us'' I muttered but seeing him place his pen down and actually turn to me to talk better made me sigh. He is not taking that for an answer.

''You want me to believe that'' He arched his brows and I noticed Woosung Hyung stopping with writing as well joining in on the conversation.

''It's just.....I need to focus on all my duties as an heir, but father assigned me so much stuff to do.''

''And shoving her away by acting as if she a stranger to you is needed for that.....'' Hearing how Doyoung Hyung said that made him sound like he obviously thought my reasoning is pure bullshit. 

''I just need my space......'' I responded not knowing what else to say. 

'' know that you can always talk to us right'' Woosung hyung spoke softly his hand gently landing on my back. 

''I.....I just want my space'' I sighed. I knew that being seated here would only get me more questions asked so I decided to grab my stuff and find a seat elsewhere. 

-END Jungkook's POV-


-Y/N's POV-

He didn't talk to me at all.........he also took another seat during the lecture away from Doyoung and Woosung oppa....Why would he do that? It felt weird entering the bar after a while. It feels weird but refreshing as well to get back to work. 

''Y/N!'' Seoyun shouted happily the moment she saw me. Before I could even reply she was already hugging me to death while shaking me wildly. 

''Are you all better now? I was so worried. You really were sick for such a long time'' she pouted making me chuckle.

''I'm all better now. It feels good to be back'' I smiled. She looked at me her eyes softening before she hugged me against her chest again. 

''The handsome young man hasn't been visiting since you were gone. If he comes today then it won't be a coincidence for sure'' she began to speak as we made our way to the counter. 

''Then he must be stalking you'' she added making me laugh softly. After today at school, I'm pretty certain that Jungkook won't be coming tonight. The thought of it did make me a bit upset......I just wanna know what I did wrong. 

''There is no such thing'' I replied bumping her side before both of us focused on our work again. 


There I was standing in front of our closed shop, the moon shining bright lighting up the dark streets. I have to admit I did feel scared. After what happened I still feel myself traveling back to that day when I have to walk the streets alone at night. 

''Come on Y/N don't be such a scaredy-cat.....It's not like Jungkook would be here to escort me home....'' I muttered softly to myself. The fact that a side of me was even hoping for that to happen made me feel so stupid. Since when did I become so attached to Jungkook? Since when.....did I rely on him so much? 

I felt my heart starting to race in my chest focusing on the darkness surrounding me as I was walking. My ears started to pay attention to every little sound I heard. From next to me, above me and mostly from behind me. I was scared......I was feeling very scared. And at that moment I felt my heart sinking deep noticing a pair of feet walking behind me. I froze on the spot.....It could be anyone. Just a passerby or someone heading home as well but why was I making such a scene about it. Just when I wanted to pick up my pace a large hand grabbed my wrist firmly when I was about to turn around my other hand already flew up in the air ready to hit whoever it was.

''Y/N'' Jungkook spoke shocked having me stop all my actions. My heart started to feel relieved but at the same time tears filled my eyes. I was so scared and just felt so unsafe but seeing Jungkook right now here with me made my heart feel so much lighter. 

''It's.....just you'' I muttered breathing heavy due to all the adrenaline rushing through my body seconds ago. 

''Did I scare you? I'm sorry.....I didn't make it in time but thought if I'm fast enough I could catch up with you'' Jungkook explained while his hand gently let go of me.

''Why did you came?'' I asked seeing his eyes leave mine. I don't understand him at all, at school he acts like I'm air and right now he is being nice to me again......

''To escort you home....I figured you would still feel unsafe to walk home alone around such a late time.....''

I just nodded my head as we both started walking silence surrounding us. I want to ask him why he acted as he did at school...but something was holding me back. 

''Jungkook?'' I asked seeing him look at me as both of us were walking side by side. I had a bad feeling about this but either way, I was just going to speak my mind. 

''Are you embarrassed by me?'' I asked seeing him furrow his brows in confusion. 

''Why do you act like you don't know me at school?'' I added and the look in his eyes immediately changed. He started to look upset.

''You know Y/N......I.....maybe this is just for the best. We live...two completely different lives I have a lot of things I need to focus on right now. I don't want to get distracted. Spending time with you is nice but right now it's time for me to......have my own space...'' The more he started talking the more offensive I got. Why did it seem to me like he was making up a dumb excuse right now to cover up a real reason? And why is he talking as if I am the one who is clinging on his pants begging him to spend time with me? He was the one coming over to my place all the time. He was the one practically stalking me at a library acting as if he was meeting with a friend. Basically, Jungkook was searching for a reason to cut off our friendship right now. And honestly being in the pissed mood I am right now I couldn't care less. 

I just folded my arms and shot him my most annoyed expression ever.

''Then why are you here?'' I asked but before he could open his mouth to say something I decided to talk instead.

''I don't mind have it your way, push me away however you want but don't you speak as if I was the one begging you to spend time with me while you were the one standing on my doorstep every time.'' I was mad and that definitely showed. I instantly turned around wanting to walk away. Hearing him already follow me while calling out my name I stopped and turned back around.

''Don't follow me.....or this time you will be the one having my heel pierced through your head.'' And with that said I didn't hear his presence behind me anymore......


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