Chapter 16

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-Y/N's POV-

''W-What are you saying?'' I slightly stuttered as I took a step back carefully pushing his hand away from me.

''You have a kingsize bed all three of us can easily sleep on it. Minjoon is sleeping in the middle so both of us can just take one end. I just don't feel good about letting you sleep on the couch'' He replied. Thinking about it Jungkook and I have shared a bed before, it's not any different from back then and right now Minjoon is even joining us....but why do I feel so nervous just thinking about it.

''Okay..then'' I muttered softly while making my way to the bed as well as Jungkook. I watched him slip under the sheets facing Minjoon his back. I also got beside Minjoon but I was facing him looking at his peaceful sleepy face. Admiring him a smile instantly formed on my face and I could see Jungkook glimpsing at it. 

''He is adorable'' Jungkook whispered softly, his finger stroking Minjoon his chubby cheek. 

''I know right'' I smiled proudly at him. 

''I'm still amazed how Minjoon is so comfortable around you'' I stated speaking softly not wanting to wake him up.

''How come? Isn't he normally like that?'' Jungkook asked making me slightly shook while pulling the blanket more towards my neck. 

''No he is actually pretty shy around new people. I guess he really likes you'' I explained and could instantly see Jungkook his bunny smile form with sparkles in his eyes.

''I'm so glad to hear that. I really like him'' he chuckled making me nod. Minjoon is a kid who is shy at first but once he gets comfortable and opens up to people it's impossible to not like him. He steals people their heart. My tiny thief. Silence fell for a while before Jungkook looked at me with concern.

''It must have been hard raising him all this time. I'm sure you had to give up a lot of stuff.'' Hearing him say that I stayed focused on Minjoon. My eyes started to feel teary as heavy feelings of guilt that were created in the past washed over me.

''It was yeah.....To be honest I despised him at first. My mother wasn't in a state she could do much so I had to take the most care of Minjoon. I had to give up a lot of things because of it and back then blamed it all on him. I told myself it was his fault that my sister died........ How stupid of me. He is just a child how could I have ever blamed him for it. Back then whenever I looked at him I just got reminded of my sister and I hated it. To me...Minjoon was just a burden....'' Silence fell and I know that my story was the reason for it.

''A little burden...'' Jungkook spoke softly in an attempt to lift the mood a bit. I chuckled softly while nodding my head. 

''Right now I just feel stupid for thinking like that. I'm glad I get reminded of my sister by seeing Minjoon every day, that way I will never forget her. And Minjoon isn't a burden at all. Sure I gave up a lot of things because of him and life became tough. But when I look at him seeing his sweet personality and bright smile it's all worth it to me. I will do everything for him, no matter what. Minjoon comes first.'' Feeling a soft hand land on my cheek snapped me out of my memories. Jungkook smiled as he lightly pinched my cheek laughing a bit. 

''I'm glad it's like that right now'' he replied making me smile in return.

''Yeah...and fortunately I have Hoseok and his girlfriend helping me out when needed''

''And you can add someone else'' He winked. I already knew who he meant. 

''Thank you....honestly I don't know how we became like this, but I'm grateful.....that you became a part of my life.'' I seriously wanted to hide my face hearing myself say some cheesy stuff like that.

''Ah you shouldn't say such sweet things to me.....I might fall in love'' He chuckled and I could feel my heart starting to race.

''I'm going to sleep'' I blurted out closing my eyes as fast as I could. I could hear Jungkook burst out in soft laughter. 

''Goodnight'' he whispered while his finger booped my nose and I could feel my face heat up. Please don't let me fall in love with him.


I slightly stretched my arm while a yawn escaped my mouth. As my eyes opened I slowly started to look around. First, my eyes looked at the closet in my room as I was laying on my side and that was the first thing I saw. My ears caught the sound of the tv being on and it wouldn't surprise me if it was Minjoon being already awake early like usual. 

''Ah how late is it?'' I yawned to myself turning a bit more on my side. Only then I noticed a weight on my body while warmth close to me. 

''I don't know'' A soft sleepy voice muttered from behind me. I froze on the spot noticing who the voice belonged too. Slightly looking down at my waist I noticed an arm around it along with a leg over mine. I could feel a warm breath occasionally hitting the back of my neck with a chest pressed up against my back. 

I stayed silent while trying my best not to move anymore. 

I totally forgot that Jungkook was here?! What is with this position?!!!!!

My eyes slightly widened hearing the door beginning to creek along with some faint footsteps. 

''Noona....'' I could hear Minjoon call out. 

''Minjoon-ah'' the voice behind me spoke apparently seeming to wake up. I could feel Jungkook removing his arm and leg from around me as he turned around probably to take a look at Minjoon.

''Come'' He continued and I could hear him lifting Minjoon on the bed.

''Since how long have you been awake?'' he asked the little guy as he yawned. I decided to stretch my body and fake a yawn acting as if I was just waking up. Turing around as  I yawned my eyes fell on Jungkook who was seated on the bed with Minjoon seated on his lap leaning against his chest. 

''Not that long...but I'm hung-   Noona!'' Minjoon shouted happily not even finishing his sentence once he saw I was awake. Not even being able to reply he already jumped on top of me almost choking me with his hug. 

''Did you sleep well baby?'' I asked my hand ruffling his soft locks making him giggle. He nodded with a bright smile automatically making me smile as well. 

''Ah Hyung wants some hugs too'' Jungkook interrupted as he faked a pout and laid himself down next to us. Minjoon didn't hesitate to jump onto his chest hugging him tightly. I could hear Jungkook instantly laugh from the cuteness.

''Hyung! Noona can make very delicious pancakes let's eat those today'' Minjoon cheered before laying himself comfortably on Jungkook his chest. Jungkook gently stroked his back while averting his eyes towards me. 

''Sounds good'' he winked making me actually blush.


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