Chapter 14

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- Y/N's POV-

For now, I decided to just let this sink in. This Saturday......that's really soon. Luckily I'm absent from work this whole week so I do have time for it, but still. I don't know why I was debating about this so much. I haven't done anything like this for a long time. I'm sure I will be totally awkward. I placed my phone down on the counter and turned my attention back to the kitchen. I still have a lot of dishes to prepare before Minjoon comes back home.


I slowly opened my eyes the small ray of light allowing to peep from the living room to my bedroom hit my face. Why am I back in my bedroom? Oh yeah after preparing everything I felt a bit sleepy and took a nap. I instantly seated myself on the bed hearing laughter coming from the living room. I checked my phone seeing I got messages from Jungkook and Hoseok and even some missed calls. Looking at the time it was already 5 pm! Minjoon.....he must be here already. A smile formed on my face as I stormed towards my bedroom door, once I entered the living room I stopped in my tracks.

''Y/N! You're finally awake'' Hoseok cheered before taking a sip of his glass filled with sprite. I smiled at him and soon to the beautiful girl sitting next to him. Also known as Ji-ah Hoseok his girlfriend. 

''Long time no see. I hope you're doing well'' She smiled making me smile back at her. That smile grew bigger once I laid eyes on Minjoon next to them. He instantly jumped off the couch running up to me in full speed having me pick him up and twirl him around.

''Noona!!'' He beamed happily along with a giggle. I instantly started attacking him with kisses making him laugh and squirm.

''Did they take good care of you?'' I questioned him and he instantly nodded. 

''We watched a lot of movies! And I got to eat a lot of snacks'' he shouted making me chuckle cause I could see Hoseok already stiffen in his seat.

''That was our secret Minjoon-ah'' he pouted making us all laugh. I placed Minjoon back down on the floor while my eyes fell on the last person with us in the room. Jungkook

''I see you're finally awake'' He commented while walking up to me. 

''It seems so'' I replied the air feeling awkward. 

''I brought you the notes for today lecture. I placed them on your desk'' he announced making me nod. I truly am grateful for that.

''Thank you'' I smiled. I felt myself looking into his eyes for too long and quickly snapped out of it focusing my attention back on the others. 

''How come you guys are all here?'' I asked while walking up to the couch as well. I noticed the small coffee table already dressed with the dishes I made and some drinks. 

''Jungkook invited us'' Hoseok began making me almost choke. 

''He asked if we would like to stay for dinner. As a surprise for you,'' Ji-ah added and I looked back at Jungkook.

''I actually bought food, but it seemed you had already prepared a lot of food'' he chuckled while seating himself next to me on the ground in front of the coffee table. Minjoon crawled off the couch only to place himself on Jungkook his lap. The sight made my heart melt.

''I'm glad to know you have made a friend like Jungkook, looking out for you'' Hoseok spoke. I looked at him but couldn't help and focus on Minjoon his giggles coming from beside me because of Jungkook messing with his hair.

''Yeah...'' I just spoke awkwardly. 

''We have to thank your school project for that'' Hoseok continued making me stay put with question marks surrounding me. School project?

''If it wasn't for that. You guys would have never been partners for it'' he spoke while bending over to grab one of the cookies that I made. 

''Right....'' I spoke while faking a smile before looking at Jungkook. He was shooting me a smile back but I could see that he was panicking from within. Minjoon suddenly shot his head up looking at Jungkook while his tiny hand tugged on his sleeve.

''Hyung....can you bring Joontae hyung next time?'' Minjoon asked carefully almost as if he was too scared to ask. To be honest I was quite surprised. Minjoon barely knows Jungkook yet he is so comfortable with him. Jungkook shoots him a bunny smile and somehow I felt flustered looking at that smile of his. His hands reached for Minjoon his cheeks pinching them gently as he bent more forward, bringing his face closer.

''Of course!'' I felt myself chuckle at the scene, seeing how happily Jungkook said that and Minjoon reaching for Jungkook's face to pinch him back. 

''Yay! Then we can play! And you guys can stay here than in the morning noona can make very delicious pancakes.'' Minjoon started to get so excited just at the thought of it that it just made me happy to see. 

''Sounds like a great plan little man! But where should Joontae and I sleep?'' Jungkook questioned making him think.

''We can build a fort here! Where we can sleep in'' Minjoon spoke excited while getting of Jungkook his lap. He ran up to the spot he thought was perfect for building a fort.

''Won't your noona be lonely sleeping alone?'' Jungkook continued asking. In all honesty, I was really wondering what Minjoon would say about that. He puffed his cheeks before walking back to the coffee table grabbing a cookie as well.

''Then Hyung can sleep with her. Joontae hyung and I will build a fort here'' he spoke and I could already hear Hoseok burst out in laughter. Ji-ah shoots me a smirk and I could feel my face flush. Jungkook turned to me a sly smirk on his face as well.

''Is that okay with you?'' he asked and I could clearly see Hoseok and Ji-ah eagerly waiting for my response. 

''Well lucky for you I have this beautiful couch here. You can sleep there'' I stated making everyone burst out in laughter. Minjoon made his way up to me seating next to me. We all looked at him looking at Hoseok and Ji-ah before looking at Jungkook and me. 

''But noona Hoseok hyung and Ji-ah noona do sleep together. It's sad for Jungkook hyung to sleep on the couch'' I could hear Hoseok go all 'AAWWW' at what he said. 

''Minjoon-ah Hoseok and Ji-ah noona are boyfriend and girlfriend. They are dating so it's okay for them. Jungkook and I are friends. Just like how you and Joontae are friends'' I tried to explain. Once he nodded his head I thought he understood what I said very well. He walked back to Jungkook once again and placed his tiny hand on his shoulder making Jungkook smile.

''Don't worry hyung you can be Noona her boyfriend, now you don't have to sleep on the couch.'' The fact that he sounded so sincere made me hold in my laughter. 

''Thank you Minjoon-ah I promise to be a good boyfriend'' Jungkook replied clearly as a joke. 

''Ah enough talking you too!'' I shouted while pulling Minjoon back on my lap making him laugh as I tickled his side.

''Let's eat before the food gets cold'' Ji-ah spoke making everyone agree and dig in. 


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