Chapter 28

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-Y/N's POV-

The smile on his face just wouldn't disappear as well as the racing of my heart. My hand slowly reached for his cheek. Placing it against it I felt his soft skin, it felt so real. Realizing how shocked I was looking Jungkook started to tilt his head questioning my actions. I took hold of his cheek-pinching it. 

''Ouch'' Jungkook muttered my fingers still trapping his slightly chubby cheek.

'' real'' I breathed out stunned. Immediately after Jungkook burst out in small laughter hearing what I said.

''You think this is some kind of dream or something?'' He asked making me nod. 

''Your parents.....they won't...'' That's the first thing that came to my mind. Jungkook his parents would never approve of me as his girlfriend....

''You know Doyoung hyung always told me that I should stop living my life the way my parents want me too. I never tried talking to them about it cause I just know they won't understand. Especially my father, but Y/N I love you. That's a fact and I won't just push you away from me just because my parents want me to marry some rich girl which is good for our company. I will talk to them....properly. This time I will truly let them know my feelings without backing away. We are graduating soon.....everyone is gonna start living their life after that. Doyoung hyung is gonna focus on his career and Woosung hyung will help his father out in their company till the day he becomes the next CEO. I want to do what I want. Work towards my own future, not the future my parents want me to have and when I do so. I want you by my side. Not just you, Minjoon as well. I want to get to know your mother more and even Hoseok hyung and his girlfriend I wish them to become close friends to me as well.'' 

''Aww Jungkook....'' I could feel tears building up and once Jungkook noticed he laughed a bit before digging his head in my neck from embarrassment. I'm sure he feels embarrassed hearing himself say such things. 

I smiled while patting his back feeling him hug me like a little child, basically smushing me with his big body. 

''This is nice'' he whispered as both of us just laid there peacefully hugging each other being surrounded by a beautiful piece of nature. 


''And?'' Joontae asked. His eyes grew big and sparkly and he and Minjoon along with my mother were waiting for me and Jungkook to state our opinion. I took a spoonful of the curry with rice in my mouth and my eyes immediately widened. It was really good. Before I could even say anything I could already hear Jungkook moaning due to the taste.

''It's sooooo goood!'' He complimented making both Joontae and Minjoon jump on their spot. 

''Ah Minjoon-ah you definitely got the cooking skills from granny'' I winked shortly after being attacked by a hug from him. I looked at Joontae as Minjoon clung onto my neck and stuck out my hand. 

''You guys did a great job it's really delicious'' I smiled. He returned the smile and seeing how big it was made my heart melt as he gave me a shy high five. 

''Well you all had a long drive getting here and it's already pretty late. So how about you shall eat, wash up and head to bed'' My mom proposed and just thinking about plopping on a soft mattress get cozy under some soft sheets made me already doze off to dreamland. 

''Sounds like a good plan to me'' I replied having Jungkook nod in agreement.


Currently, the rooms that were available in the house were my mom her room, my room, and our guest room. The guest room was actually supposed to be Minjoon his room. When he was still a baby he usually stayed in my room, and shortly after I moved to Seoul. So we never got to make his room and my mother eventually turned it into a guest room. As for my room, it's the same as how I left it. All my stuff still laid out where it was. It almost seemed like my mom is waiting for me to come back. 

My mother will be spending the night in her own room of course. Jungkook and Joontae share the guest room and Minjoon decided to stay with my mother while I gladly plopped down on my own bed. As I laid down I sighed from relief. This is after such a long time that I'm sleeping on a bed alone. No Minjoon.....Only space for me. 

''Finally, you can sleep in peace Y/N without getting Minjoon his foot in your face'' I spoke to myself as I rolled on my side snuggling up into the blanket. 30 minutes later I could feel myself dozing off. My eyes just wouldn't want to open but I wasn't fully sleeping yet. Just then I heard a soft knock on my door and not even seconds after it opened.

''Are you sleeping?'' The familiar voice of Jungkook whispered softly. Forcing myself to open my eyes I slightly rubbed it trying to help myself see better.

''You're not sleeping yet?'' I asked seeing him nod. He carefully made his way towards my bed seating himself on the edge next to my laying figure. 

''I just.....can't stop thinking about my parents'' he confessed. Just hearing him say that made me feel so sorry for him. I'm sure it's hard for him. Finally really confessing his parents about how he thinks and about not wanting to take part in the company. I'm sure it's not an easy thing to do. I scooted to the side and opened my arms causing him to smile a bit. He lifted up the blanket carefully shifting himself under it, lying next to me. Resting his head on my chest while I hugged him against me. Luckily I owned a kingsize bed so there is plenty of room. 

''Don't think about it. At least not now you're only gonna make the feeling of anxiousness get worse because of that'' I spoke softly. He didn't say anything and just nodded. Both of us fell silent seeing the door being pushed open again. Only this time no one announcing their arrival. 

It didn't take long before Minjoon suddenly came into my vision seeing him climb onto the bed. I let go of Jungkook who didn't seem to bother shifting from his position. 

'''Minjoon-ah aren't you sleeping yet?'' I asked. Looking at his face he was really sleepy, his eyes weren't even open and I wonder if he was even hearing what I said. He laid himself next to me on hugging my waist without saying a thing.

''Goodnight....'' I heard him softly whisper and second after he seemed to be already in a deep slumber. Well, there goes my space being trapped between Jungkook laying on one side and Minjoon on the other. Jungkook his hand reached out to Minjoon head softly brushing through his hair as he smiled at the scene. 

''He really is a cute little man'' he spoke softly not wanting to wake him up.

''Joontae? Is he sleeping?'' I asked Jungkook. He nodded but before he could say anything I heard a small knock on the door that was already open. 

''Hyung why aren't you in bed?'' My eyes widened seeing Joontae standing in the doorway holding his pillow. It seemed he also just woke up. Was it because Jungkook wasn't there. Just when I was about to propose to Jungkook to head back to the guest room Joontae already climbed onto the bed. He crawled onto Jungkook laying himself on top of his broad chest. Looking at the side he noticed Minjoon and a small sleepy smile appeared on his face.

''Minjoon is here too'' he muttered before closing his eyes. Jungkook properly covered Joontae with the blanket before whispering goodnight to him. 

Sure I did not have any proper space to sleep as I longed for, but can I be mad at this? Looking down at a sleepy Minjoon hugging me and next to me Jungkook with Joontae sleeping on his chest hugging him tightly. We almost look like.......look like parents. Just thinking about that made my face heat up. 

''Goodnight'' Jungkook whispered once again only this time it was directed to me. Turning my face to look at him he was already laying with his eyes closed acting as if he already fell asleep. 

''Goodnight'' I whispered back closing my eyes as well, dozing off to dreamland.


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