Chapter 32

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-Y/N's POV-

I felt a pair of strong arms wrapping around my waist while a chin rested on my shoulder, slightly tickling the side of my face due to Jungkook his long locks. 

''You know you didn't have to invite my mom for dinner?'' He spoke softly making me smile. I'm sure he thinks I only did it to be nice. 

''I know, but I really wanted too. I want to get to know your mother more she seems so nice, and in someways....even remind me of my own mother.'' I explained as I was working on the last thing for today's dinner. A fresh salade. Hoseok could be arriving any moment right now to drop Minjoon off. 

''Y/N...'' Jungkook suddenly spoke. His hand reached for mine making me let go of everything I was holding. He turned me around so I was facing him while lightly caressing my hands in his. Seeing him nervously looking at our hands made me fill with curiosity....what was he going to say?

''I have been 2 weeks were done with school. Done with everything and ready to start our lives. I'm sure you will be continuing your work as a model and I will figure out what I want to do eventually'' he chuckled hearing himself say this. 

''What you're trying to say is...?'' I joked earning a bit of laughter from him.

''Come live with me'' He replied. His eyes looked straight into mine and I could feel my heart stop for a second. Before I could even question what he meant he started to explain himself. 

''I have been looking for an apartment for a while now. I found something.....and I'm moving there in about 1 month. It's an apartment close to the city. It has one big bedroom for the two of us another room which will be Minjoon his bedroom and another room which will be the guest room. Your mom can come over whenever she wants and even spend some time here. I know you love cooking so it has a pretty spacious kitchen......'' 

''Jungkook.....I'' I didn't know what to say I was really at a loss of words.

''Don't turn me down. Come with me please......'' he muttered softly as he stepped closer pleading me with his big brown eyes. I smiled before placing my hand against his cheek feeling him lean into it. 

''You have already done so much for me.....'' I spoke seeing him smile. 

''And I will continue to do so. So I won't allow you to turn me down. Come live with me.....I want the three of us to live together'' Hearing how he included Minjoon made me emotional, he really does like him. 

''Since when did you plan this?'' I asked seeing him look away for a bit. 

''Since I have been thinking of telling my parents I wasn't interested in becoming the heir of our company. I figured that the vibe at home would become tense and just awful, so it would be for the better if I moved out. I think it's better for me as well this way I won't be having my parents meddling with my business all the time'' he explained making me nod. 

''Do they know that you're going to move out?'' I continued asking. 

''My father properly doesn't care at this moment and I still have to tell my mother, but I'm sure she will understand'' he replied making me nod. His mom will understand for sure.

''Mmmm I got quite attached to this tiny apartment, I'm going to miss it'' I smiled allowing me to see an even bigger smile on Jungkook's face.

''So you're coming with me?! No turning back now, you said it'' he jumped excitedly making me laugh. Before I could say anything else the doorbell rang. Seconds after opening it the house became lively having Minjoon enter along with Hoseok and his girlfriend.


''Hello what's your name?'' Mrs. Jeon smiled while looking down at Minjoon. Hoseok and the others tried to hold in their laughter seeing Minjoon turn all shy.

''This is Jungkook and Joontae their mother, say hi'' I whispered softly to Minjoon before giving him a small push in his back towards Mrs. Jeon. She smiled brightly as she crouched down to be on the same eye-height as Minjoon. 

''Hello....I'm Minjoon. I'm Joontae his best friend'' he spoke shyly while giving her a hand. The whole room went in 'awee' hearing him say that about Joontae. Jungkook his mother smiled from ear to ear before leaning in.

''You sure are. Joontae told me a lot about you'' she winked making Minjoon smile. 

''He did!'' he jumped excitedly already getting out of his shy shell.

''Yes. He keeps on telling me he wants you to come over to play games in his room'' Mrs. Jeon continued. Minjoon suddenly stopped in his spot while playing with his hands. 

''Can I?'' He asked with the cutest voice ever while shyly looking at the ground. 

''Mmmm I'll have to think about it....maybe if you give me a hug I will'' Mrs. Jeon teased but it didn't even take him a second or he was already attacking her with a tight hug giggling from happiness. 

''Okay okay you can definitely come'' she smiled almost losing her balance. Minjoon thanked her with the brightest smile ever before hoping his way to the dinner table. 

''He is too cute'' Mrs. Jeon spoke making us all laugh at her statement. Minjoon really knows how to steal people their hearts.


''Thank you so much for the lovely dinner dear. It was delicious and I had such a great time'' Mrs. Jeon spoke while standing in the doorway. Dinner was over and after a lot of talking and laughter, the night came to an end. 

''It was a pleasure, thank you for staying I'm glad I got to meet you'' I smiled. Her hand reached out to me gesturing for a hug which I gladly excepted. 

''Don't forget if there is anything you need just call me'' She whispered making me nod into the hug. Once we broke the hug she looked over my shoulder seeing Jungkook standing with Minjoon tugging on his shirt.

''Hyung you're staying right?'' Minjoon asked him and I could see a small smile appearing on her face.

''I better get going. Goodnight'' she smiled waving her goodbye at everyone. 

Hoseok and Ji-ah left afterward leaving only Jungkook behind with us. 

''I don't think I can stay tonight,'' Jungkook spoke to Minjoon while crouching down in front of him. 

''But..'' Minjoon started to pout making me interrupt. I know what he was trying to do. He was putting on his sad act to make him stay. 

''No buts little man Jungkook has other things to do'' I spoke before lifting him in my arms making him turn all giggly. Jungkook walked towards us ruffling Minjoon his hair as I was holding him.

''Minjoon-ah what do you think of moving to a bigger house? You can have your own room and I will be living their too'' Jungkook spoke and I could see Minjoon his eyes instantly begin to sparkle. 

''Really?! I want to live with Hyung!'' He cheered making the both of us smile. Guess it wasn't so hard to get his permission. 

''Well that wasn't hard to convince'' I chuckled. Jungkook looked at me a sad smile on his face.

''What's wrong?'' I asked only to hear Minjoon ask the same thing afterward.

''I don't want to leave.....but I have too'' he whined making me smile. 

''Just go. We will see each other soon again'' I smiled making him nod. 

''Goodnight'' he whispered before leaning in and placing a kiss on the side of my head. 

''Me too'' Minjoon giggled. Jungkook leaned in placing a kiss on Minjoon his head as well.

''Goodnight little man'' he smiled before waving his goodbye and heading out of the door. 


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