Chapter 6

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My eyes focused on both Minjoon and Joontae playing on the swings. Joontae was actually on the swing cause Minjoon was totally excited about pushing him. Hoseok and I took the kids to a nearby playground while the both of us sat on a bench talking. My eyes watched Minjoon the most seeing what a bright personality he has...She raised him well. After hearing Hoseok his story I kept quiet mostly. She indeed has been through a lot and even now...she is doing so much.

''So don't think weird about her when she sleeps most of the time'' Hoseok chuckled while I nodded my head with a smile.

''I'm sure she didn't tell you any of this right?'' he asked making me keep quiet for a second. The thing is Y/N and I aren't really friends so it's normal she doesn't tell me this at all....but I think Hoseok gets the feeling that we are friends.

''Yeah..she is very private when it comes to her personal life'' I spoke and it seemed like he totally understood me.

'''re a friend of Y/N right? Don't get me wrong it's not that I don't believe you it's just she never really mentioned a friend to me.'' I felt my face lose color and my mind searching for a quick answer to reply with.

''Oh yeah we became friends just recently actually. We kinda ended up as partners for a project'' I lied and could see him nod his head.

''Well, either way, don't tell her you know about this. She will hang me for it'' he laughed making me smile. He is such a warm and kind hearted person.

''I just wish for Y/N to make many friends and rely on everyone more.'' His eyes focused on his hands that were resting on his lap. He really cares about her.....

''Where is she now actually?'' I questioned. The last time when I came to pick Joontae up she also came to pick Minjoon up.

''Oh she asked me to pick Minjoon up today cause she was heading towards the library. Something about an upcoming test that she definitely can't fail'' he informed. Right, when I was about to say something my mouth stayed open as Hoseok got up from his seat clapping his hands already continuing with talking.

''I should get going'' he smiled. He called for Minjoon who made his way towards us accompanied by my younger brother.

''Hyung thank you for playing with me. Let's play next time too!'' Minjoon smiled his fist in the air waiting for a bump. I couldn't help but smile seeing my little brother smile as well while giving him a fist bump.

''Next time I will teach you how to play soccer'' Joontae replied making Minjoon already excited. We all said our goodbyes, but before Hoseok and Minjoon could walk away I stopped them by grabbing Hoseok his shoulder.

''Uuhm do you perhaps know at which library she is?''I spoke softly.

''I think Namsan public library since it's close to her apartment'' he replied making me smile and thank him. This time we definitely said our goodbyes and parted ways.


As I was looking at the papers on my desk I noticed that my mind wasn't focusing on it at all. My father wants me to help out with a meeting he is having this Friday....I sighed while bumping my head softly against my desk. I just got home and already have to get back to work. To be honest I was planning on playing games with Joontae once I came home, but of course, my father had to give a speech about being the heir to his company and putting all this work on me.

Would Y/N still be at the library?

Why am I even thinking about this?

I checked the time on my phone and before I know it I left the house as fast as I could without my father noticing.


Why did I come here? I slightly burst out in laughter attracting attention to myself seeing Y/N roll her eyes to a book she was holding. She was seated near the window with a bunch of books stacked in front of her. One of the books she was holding in her hands, but clearly wasn't having it. Seeing her brows furrow in frustration and the way she kept on tilting her head. She was ready to throw it out of the window. I quietly made my way up to her, making sure to grab a random book off the shelf as I did so. Opening the book I held it in front of my face before sitting on the chair across of her. At first, it didn't seem like she was paying attention to me at all seeing her focused on her books too much. But later on, I could see her occasionally staring at my book.



At first, I didn't want to pay any attention to the random guy sitting in front of me. But the more I look at him the familiar he gets. Of course, it was hard to tell having the book cover half of his face, but just his hairstyle and the jacket he wore made him remind me of someone.....Jungkook...

I tried to focus back on the book I was holding but I just started to get more frustrated. I have to get a high grade on this upcoming test otherwise I'm done for....but this is just hard. Maybe Hoseok can help me? But then again I don't want to bother him with this. I'm sure he is really busy.

I placed the book down and grabbed the notebook Jungkook gave me to read through it. Seconds later I could see from the corner of my eye the guy lowering his book down on the table his eyes still focused on it.

''Jungkook?'' I questioned being shocked to actually see him here. His eyes left his book and instead locked with mine his expression wasn't even surprised. As if it was the most normal thing to meet each other like this.

''Oh..hey'' he replied before focusing back on his book. This could not be just a coincidence.

''Hey....'' I muttered softly before turning my attention back on the notes as well. Silence started to build having the two of us act like complete strangers. The air felt awkward and even turning pages made me nervous.

''Are you also studying for the test?'' Jungkook suddenly questioned our eyes once again meeting.

''Uhm I am yeah.. You too?'' I asked. Seeing him nod made me super confused. I looked at the book in front of him arching my eyebrows.

''That's a romance novel'' I spoke out my finger slightly pointing at it. His mouth fell open for a bit before looking at the book.

''Besides I thought you told me you memorize fast'' I pointed out and I could see him gulp. Something is just off.....

''Ah you meant like right now? I'm gonna start studying for the test in a bit. I just wanted to finish this book that I have been reading. And I do memorize fast but just in case I wanna read through certain things'' He spoke, his eyes slightly growing big and his talking being faster than usual.

''Oh okay.'' Not wanting this to turn any more awkward I just decided to buy whatever he said. Cause Jungkook reading romance novels doesn't really seem normal to me. Once again silence appeared but this time not for too long. Jungkook closed his book putting it away and slowly shifted his hand to his notebook.

''I-if you want we can study together'' he spoke making me actually look up surprised. His face was turned to the other side not meeting my eyes at all. He sighed and suddenly looked at me somehow it seemed like he totally regained confidence.

''You have been frowning at your book the whole time I don't think you understand anything.'' Hearing him say that made my face heat up. I'm sure he thinks I'm just really stupid...

''Frowning? It's called thinking'' I spoke back my elbows leaning on the table as I leaned more forward. He laughed while suddenly snatching it away from me.

''Thinking What the heck does all of this mean I don't understand anything!'' he spoke in a whining tone mimicking how I would say it while he skipped to the pages.

''So let's start study class!'' I know he is probably just making fun of me but the smile he has on his face kinda warms my heart......

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