My paws dig into the damp, dark earth, the soothing feeling of damp forest ground in between my toes sending shivers down my spine. I toss my head around a little bit in excitement, my haphazardly beautiful pelt shaking off the morning dew. I was in the frozen time before light broke, but well past nighttime hours. I could hear the chitters and roars of the other cats around me, frolicking in the forest as well. This was freedom, this was power, this was love, this was-an arrow crackling with electricity thunked into my chest, pain blossoming, accompanied by a dark red stain.
I woke up to sharp spikes of unbearable pain shooting through my chest and my head and I gasped desperately for air, clutching the spot on my chest the arrow had pierced. My body felt like it was on fire and I curled into a ball, letting the covers muffle my screams. After several minutes of the pain coursing its way throughout my entire body, I let my tense body relax into the covers, sweet relief washing over me, beads of sweat trickling down my forehead.
My skull felt like it was about to split open. Groaning, I rolled over and tried to open my eyes but instantly regretted it, pain spiking through my brain. At least I don't have school tomorrow. Forcing my eyes open, I slipped out from the inviting warmth of my blankets and pulled the blinds closed, sighing in relief, the last remnants of my dream fading away. I looked around my room in confusion, not entirely sure how I got here.
I was going to stay over at Rosie's for the night, how did I end up here? Stumbling back over to my bed, I longed to be back in the warmth and comfort of my blankets. Sighing, I noticed a little yellow sticky note. That'll be Rosie. It was attached to my bedside table, lopsided and hanging off just a little bit. I clutched my chest softly, little bits of phantom pain circulating through it. Shuddering, I gingerly picked up the note, glancing over the words scrawled in her sloppy handwriting.
Sorry, my parents could smell the alcohol on you and called your dad, then drove you home :/
Groaning, I pressed the backs of my hands to my eyes, letting the note fall slowly to the floor. I was so, so, so dead. I was never ever going to be ungrounded. My dad might hire a nanny or something to watch me like he did when I was a kid since he was always gone to some other country on business. That sounded like the absolute worst idea.
It's not like I typically do anything bad, it was just yesterday. Though it didn't really make sense to me why I had done all of those things, I never wanted to do any of it, it was like something spoke for me. My mind wandered to the jungle flashes and I shuddered. Part of me wanted to know why they were happening and what that place was, but something in me whispered that it would all be in due time. I've never been known to be overly patient, but I was ok with shoving this to the back of my mind and forgetting the fact I might be going absolutely bonkers.
Let me out
I jumped, my arms flailing everywhere. Something crawled around inside my mind lazily and I shivered.
Let me out, Milo
The voice was deep and dark, and very much real and not mine. I frantically searched the room for wherever the voice had come from, even going so far as to look under my bed. Blushing, I stopped, crouching on my ankles. I felt ridiculous, I'm probably just hearing things. I didn't think I drank that much last night.
The voice seemed to be coming from within me like it was in my head. Nothing ever good came from hearing voices. My mind was filled with images of my mother hitting herself and wailing alone in a dark room, screaming at people who weren't there. Shaking my head, I pushed the memories out of my mind, my body shaking.

Breaking Free (BXB)
ParanormalMilo was completely ordinary until an extra-ordinary war threatened his home and everyone he holds dear. Now he must find it within himself to fight for a world he barely knows, navigate complicated relationships and twisted loyalties to save everyo...