It was a cold Monday morning, the wind blowing in my face on my walk to school. I had my headphones in, trying to tune out the world and Owen's lips, and Owen's hands, and Owen's voice, breathy and soft. Not like it was working, after Friday night the thought of what we had done had rooted itself in my mind and that was where it had stayed, heavy on my shoulders and mind and heart.I could see the look on Owen's face when he saw the bruise. How could I explain that? Just tell him that some creepy guy who no one else seemed to see threatened me and that's how I got it? That was a direct ticket to a straight jacket. And even if I did mention it I would have to bring up what we had done together. We had both been very drunk and on a very drunk path to a place that made me blush thinking about it. It was so sweet, yet so intense and it made my insides bubble, but I'm glad it didn't go on, not right then, anyway. My face heated up at the thought of where we were going last night, and a small smile flickered onto my face.
"At least I know he's into guys." I murmured, staring up at the bright blue, clear sky lazily. I had done something with Owen. Me, Milo Wilson, on a bed with Owen. The Owen. We hadn't done anything, but what we had done felt far more intimate than anything I had ever done. Our lips barely grazing, then crashing together, the feel of our skin heating up against each other and the fervent need in his eyes. It was all too much, too soon.
Blushing bright red, my heart melted at the thought of what we'd almost done together, but it also sunk in dread. What if Owen didn't want anything more? What if he wanted nothing to do with me? My heart couldn't take something like that.
It was thirty minutes later on my walk to school when I realized the woman behind me had been behind me for the last four blocks, matching my pace. She had long, tumbling dark hair pulled up into a ponytail and dark skin, similar to the man from the mall, though this girl was lean where scar-guy was beefy. Quickly turning my head forward, I paused my music.
My heart started to beat heavily in my ribcage, threatening to spring free. Picking up the pace, I glanced behind me. The woman was still there, matching my pace easily, a smirk stretching her lips. She knew I knew. Gulping, I felt all of the blood in my body drain to my toes. This woman wasn't only lean, but tall, too, much taller than me. She looked to be about six foot and I hated to admit it, but she would definitely win in a fight between the two of us. God, I hate being short, it was actually going to kill me.
My adrenaline kicked in, pressuring me to run or stand my ground, and my mind raced to try to figure out what to do. I could try to outrun her, I was an ok runner. My mind flashed to her legs, and I shook that thought from my mind, she would catch up to me in less than a second. I could try to stay and fight, but that would end very quickly, and very painfully judging by my scrawny arms and her toned muscles. Sighing, I knew what was the better of the two options. I would have loved to have stayed and fought for my pride, but with a deep gulp, I swallowed it. Hard. I would rather have a chance to live. I broke out into a dead sprint, my headphones falling out of my ears and landing on my shoulder, bouncing against my chest in time with my heartbeat.
I could hear the slap, slap, slap of my converse sneakers against the concrete sidewalk, the sound amplified by my terror. I tried desperately to listen in for my pursuer, my legs numb from adrenaline. How the hell had someone not seen me and pulled over yet? Isn't a short boy sprinting down the street like he's going to die something strange? My breath rushed out of me in gasps as I swung my arms rapidly, terror coursing through my body.
After several minutes of not hearing the woman behind me, I slowed down, my school nowhere to be seen. Resting my hands on my knees I gulped in air, trying to clear my mind as I looked around. There were wrought iron gates and deep green grass littered with headstone after headstone, adorned in beautiful flowers and loving words. The sidewalks were cracked and the roads looked like they hadn't been used for a long time. The contrast between the two made me shiver.

Breaking Free (BXB)
ParanormalMilo was completely ordinary until an extra-ordinary war threatened his home and everyone he holds dear. Now he must find it within himself to fight for a world he barely knows, navigate complicated relationships and twisted loyalties to save everyo...