A fist slammed into my face with a force much stronger than you would think a small girl like Sera could produce, throwing me to the ground. My arms and legs burned as little grains of dirt tore into my skin for what must've been the fiftieth time. Spitting blood to my side, I narrowed my eyes at Sera, throwing myself to my feet and jumping into a stance to fight. We had been at this for several weeks, training whenever we stopped. We had made good time, and every time I glanced at the map and saw that we weren't far from the headquarters my stomach turned. Even with Sera's expert help, I had only gotten marginally better.
"Your positioning is wrong. One kick and you'll go down." She said with a smirk. I could feel the color drain out of my face as she dashed forward so fast she looked like a blur, landing one swift kick to my chest. Grunting, I glared up at her. In the corner of my eye, I saw Owen glance at me, then turn away, his face contorted in one of sadness and rage. He hadn't spoken to me except for small, polite exchanges. Guilt settled into the pit of my stomach. I knew I shouldn't have said what I did, but that didn't make it go away. If I could snap my fingers and take back what I said, I would do it without a second thought. Yet here I was, lying in the dirt, failing at fighting Sera and trying to pretend that it didn't bother me that Owen was ignoring me.
Sighing, Sera walked over to me, offering her hand for help. Smiling gratefully, I took it, pulling myself to my feet. Her hands were firm as she placed my hands where they should be and moved my legs a little bit wider.
"There. Hold your position like that. It should help." I smiled at her in thanks before she jumped into place and jabbed her arm forward, catching me in a chokehold. "Watch my eyes, not my hands." She smirked, before releasing me and jumping away. I narrowed my eyes at her, watching her for any sign that she was about to attack. Her face was stoic, showing no emotion at all. My body felt like it was a live wire, every nerve prepared to jump into action at a moment's notice. I watched her eyes like a hawk, waiting for something, anything. Then she glanced to the left. It was only there for a half-second, but I was prepared. Sera moved without a sound to my left, sweeping her leg out to catch me. Jumping back, I punched forward, only for her to grab my arm and send me flying to the dirt.
"Good. Don't flail your arms so much, you'll fall." Her voice was sharp as she gave me a multitude of suggestions. The little cuts and bruises smattering my skin slowly closed up, the skin knitting itself back together as I prepared for another round.
We went on like this for another hour, with me falling on my butt for the most part, before she finally let me go at the end of the day. The sun was setting, and I couldn't wait to wash off all the sweat and dirt I had collected. With a towel in hand, I followed the directions Tom gave me towards the natural spring. It was peaceful as I walked through the brush. It seemed like it was just me and nature, one single entity as a part of something more. The sound of crickets chirping at my back was slowly drowned out by the roaring of nearby water. Pushing through a bush, I found a huge, crystalline pool with a waterfall roaring just above it. The water swirled about lazily and my breath hitched. I had never seen anything so beautiful. It seemed almost magical like at any moment a unicorn might come running through, which wasn't so impossible as it seemed with how my life was going.
Quickly peeling off my dirty clothes, I stood at the water's edge. I almost didn't want to get in. It was so pure and clear and I most certainly wasn't. A bird shrieked above me and I jumped, hiding behind a bush. Glancing above, I saw the small bird flying off peacefully. Relief flooded me, and I let out a breath as I clambered out of the bush.
Steeling myself, I took a couple of tentative steps into the water before submerging myself completely. I could hear the water rushing in my ears, and I sat there for a couple of minutes, my eyes closed, reveling in the fresh, cool feeling. Spray from the waterfall coated my skin in small clear droplets that sat on the edges of my eyelashes. Slowly, my body protesting at moving from my comfortable position, I began to scrub my hair and body. The feel of my nails massaging my scalp pushed me into a state of semi-awareness. Pushing myself to the surface I could see a small trail of dirt swirling around the water float away. The birds sang just above me, a slow lilting song that filled my ears. Whenever Owen and I made up I would have to ask him to sing to me.
I was content for a couple of minutes before Owen's eyes, sad and longing, popped into my mind. I could feel the pain I caused him deep in my gut. I could also feel his lips on mine, and the feeling of my hands in his hair. I could almost hear his laugh, and the way his voice grew husky when he wanted me. Breathing in softly, Owen's sweet scent floated around me, soft and tantalizing.
"Thinking about someone?" My eyes shot open, Owen's voice, husky and dark, taking over any sounds of nature. I felt like I should've jumped away and shouted at him for coming so close to me while I was naked when I didn't give him permission, but some larger, more daring part of me stayed, longing to lay my head on his shoulder and feel his lips on my skin again.. I could feel his breath tickle my ear and a shiver rocked my spine all the way down to my toes. The water didn't seem so cold anymore.
"Maybe," I hummed. Owen chuckled before leaning a little closer. Slowly, softly, he pressed little kisses up the back of my neck. My knees went weak, my legs trembling beneath the water.
"Do you want a kiss?" Owen murmured, his lips brushing against the nape of my neck. I nodded mutely, my throat in the process of choking up. "Say it." Owen purred.
"Y-Yes, please." I breathed, my voice heady and soft. Owen hovered over the crook of my neck.
"Please what?" He teased. Huffing, I struggled to speak.
"Please kiss me." Owen chuckled lowly, gripping my waist and turning me around. His eyes were dark and filled with lust and want. My whole body tingled in preparation as Owen leaned forward, agonizingly slowly. His lips hovered above my own and my eyes fluttered closed.
"Well, that's too bad, because you're not my boyfriend." My heart stuttered as I heard Owen swim away, his soft paddles pressing into my heart. I deserved that, and he knew that. Sighing, I sunk below the water, blowing little bubbles of exasperation out of my mouth. I watched them float to the surface and pop, wishing I could stay here forever and never have to face Owen again.
Slowly, I swam towards the waterfall, slipping just past it to a small alcove I could hide in for now. Sliding up on to the slippery rock, I hugged my knees to my chest, wondering how I got here, my heart so completely attached to Owen even when it shouldn't be. I couldn't get the flashes of his dark eyes and soft skin out of my mind. I had two choices in front of me here. I could date him, which we both really, really wanted, or I couldn't and I could focus solely on the task at hand. That choice should have been easy but it was proving to be more and more difficult as time went on.
My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stampeding feet and shouts. Freezing, I held my breath, watching through the cracks in the water as a horde of uniformed men, like the ones we had fought, jogged through. They stopped, picking up my dirty clothes. The man who picked them up shouted something behind them, and within seconds two people, chained to the back of a horse were brought forward. They stumbled, covered in dirt and caked in blood. It took me a couple of seconds to recognize them, but when I did, my heart dropped. I would recognize that red hair anywhere, and the sad puppy face next to her. It was Rosy and Cooper. They held the clothes up to Rosy and she sniffed them and pointed in the direction of the camp, before they all stormed off, dragging the two, stumbling, behind them, headed straight for camp. And for Owen.

Breaking Free (BXB)
ParanormalMilo was completely ordinary until an extra-ordinary war threatened his home and everyone he holds dear. Now he must find it within himself to fight for a world he barely knows, navigate complicated relationships and twisted loyalties to save everyo...