When we pulled up to the large roundabout leading up to Riley's mansion there were already cars parked in the grass and spilling down the street. Lights strobed out of the windows and I could hear the music from my spot in the parked car. There were a few kids out on the lawn, loitering about and talking or bent over, hurling into the grass. I cringed. Though I didn't know quite what to expect, this is Riley's infamous parties and they certainly lived up to expectations. And not in a good way. I could feel a little apprehension and regret roiling around in my stomach, but Owen would be here. Taking a deep breath, I turned to look at the smiling Rosie."You ready?" I asked, trying to feign any kind of excitement. I had never really been to a party of this caliber and I had no clue what to expect. Rosie's smile only grew.
"Of course I'm ready, dumbass." She said before hopping out of the car. I followed quickly after, despite the knot forming in my stomach the closer we got to the party. A couple of people shouted out hellos to Rosie and she smiled and waved before dragging me closer to the door. We stopped in front of Riley's dark wooden door, the bass of the music thumping in my bones, my heart beating with it. "Are you ready?" Rosie asked, concern lacing her voice. Of course, she would be able to see my nerves and see past my lies, I'm a freaking open book.
I just swallowed in response, my Adam's apple bobbing. Nodding, I pushed open the door, letting Rosie drag me inside. My senses were assaulted with noise and bright lights and the stink of sweaty teenagers. A couple of people were making out on a couch in the corner and others were grinding in the center where couches and tables had been pushed aside to make room for dancers flinging themselves everywhere happily. I didn't feel so sure about this, I kind of wanted to go home and nap, but I reminded myself that I'm here for Rosie, and Owen would be here.
"I'm going to dance, Milo!" Rosie shouted over the music, and I watched with wide eyes as she was dragged onto the dance floor by a boy Rosie had been pining after since seventh grade. I smiled and gave her a thumbs up, before turning away, not sure exactly what I was supposed to do.
Sighing, I began to make my way to what I hoped was the kitchen where several kids had gone into and come out of with red cups filled with most likely alcohol. Stepping inside the room, I weaved in between people also trying to make it to the center island. My peers were spilling drinks all over the counter, evident by the stains and a couple of them were playing tonsil hockey in the corner, lewd moans spilling around the area. Nasties.
Picking up a red cup I filled it with whatever was in the deep red bottle on the end and left the room, giving one last indignant stare at the couples. Not like they could see me, so absorbed in inhaling each other. Slowly, I brought the cup to my mouth, taking a small sip. Coughing, my chest burned from the drink. What was this stuff? Still, I took another sip before searching for some corner to hide in till I'm drunk enough to have fun. Not the most responsible thing to do, and I know I shouldn't be doing it. My mind flashed to the man from the mall and the crazy events at school and I took a hard swig. I could leave the logic and reason for tomorrow.
There were people everywhere and it took what seemed like hours to wade through the masses to the backyard where a few people were skinny dipping in the pool and a couple was making gratuitous noises while having sex behind a bush. They're going to get diseases. Rolling my eyes, I lowered myself down on the steps, nursing my drink quietly. Better here in the relative quiet till later. I couldn't help but wonder where Owen was or if he was making out with some girl, or grinding in the masses, though I guess maybe not with what he'd said to me earlier. I smiled softly into my drink, my chest warm and my cheeks turning pink.
I could hear the rustling of bushes nearby and I glanced over out of habit, only to notice the bush-couple stumbling into the house and no one anywhere near their bush. Weird. The hairs on the back of my neck prickled and I glanced up, a knot twisting and churning in my gut. A man stood in the shadows, a man I distinctly recognized from the three jagged scars on his face. He was glaring at me like he wanted to murder me, and quite honestly I wouldn't be surprised if he did. Glancing around the backyard hoping for someone to latch onto, my heart raced.

Breaking Free (BXB)
ParanormalMilo was completely ordinary until an extra-ordinary war threatened his home and everyone he holds dear. Now he must find it within himself to fight for a world he barely knows, navigate complicated relationships and twisted loyalties to save everyo...