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It was early in the morning, perhaps seven in the morning. Y/N was standing in the middle of the airport, near the exit. She was waiting for her friend to appear for he had texted her that morning that he will be arriving soon. Though, he never gave her enough information on what was he wearing so that she won't mistaken anyone else as him.

After thirty minutes of waiting for him she pull out her Polaroid. It's been three months since she's last taken anything with it. She had hoped that she could get another picture taken by herself.

Y/N took in few deep breaths as her heart thump unconsciously. She was nervous to see him after three months. "Will he think I'm weird ever since that night that we talked?" She talked to herself.

Two minutes later it was announced that the next flight has arrived. Then she waited, gripping her camera close to her. A few moments later people were coming out from the entrance and Y/N was glancing and scanning everyone to see him. She had wore the first pink hoodie she wore when they first interact in the classroom as for him she had no idea.

Then she spotted him. A boy in a pink sweater came strolling with his suitcase in one hand. He had his messy hair in his face and she could tell that he was exhausted. Trying not to run to him or scream she stand back and watch him make his way towards her.

Jisung look up and smiled the moment he saw her standing there. She was wearing the same color as him and he find it not much of a coincident.

"Ha, wow, the last day we hung out we wore matching color and today we finally see each other again, wearing the same color too. Must be fate rather than a coincidence I see?" He cracked a joke making her smile. Tears welled her eyes and he gave her a sympathy look.

"Sorry I took so long but it's only been the whole summer so stop crying." He begs her as he hug her close to him.

People passed them all think that they were two couple who were in a distance relationship happy to see each other but to them, they were more of everything. Friends, family, and more soon to be lovers. Closer than anything.

"Hold on. I need a picture!" She said quickly clicking the button without letting him say another word.

"Gosh, just what do you do with my pictures after taking so many?" He laugh not letting go of her the moment she finish taking a picture of his return.

"Oh trust me, I have my own reasons." She muffles into his sweater.

"Obviously, I can wait till later. Let's go home, I'm tired." He groan dramatically.

"Here you are still a dramatic squirrel." She teased him as he smiles cheekily. Together they went home.

"Hello Jisung, you're back." Y/N's mother greets him as they enter the house. "Make yourself at home." She gestured him and he nodded politely.

"Your house still looks the same." He commented.

"Of course, it's a house what did you expect to change?" Y/N said while taking a sip of her soda can. Jisung hum in response but then he reverted his eyes back to Her's and smirk.

"I thought perhaps the house would be covered with my pictures." He said, causing her to spit out her drink immediately startled. She wasn't prepared.

"I guess I was wrong. Anyway, now that I'm here, I want to know where's my pictures all at? Do you worship them or something?" He joke again but then this time Y/N left the living room to her room. Following behind her was her friend.

"Where will I be sleeping tonight?" He ask her to change the subject but then Y/N turned on her heels causing them to almost crash. Jisung however puts his arms around her waist afraid to crash into her small body.

They both stared into each other's eyes as they could faintly hear their hearts beating.

"Y-You'll be sleeping in my room." She told him quietly and he blink. Not believing it he smirks.

"Really?" He joke again but then she gave him a serious look which made him stop.

"Wait for real?" He ask, totally not believing it. Y/N nodded.

"My mom, say so since I have a bunk bed. You usually sleep in my room anyway so what's the difference now?"

Of course he knew that.

Every time he come over her mother wouldn't mind it. It's like she wanted them to get married or something which he doesn't mind at all but this time he does. Jisung didn't want to share a room with her this because of something new. It was a feeling he was starting to experience whenever she's around him.

"J-Just forget it." He turns away to cover his now red face.

"Alright then. Your stuffs is already in my room. I brought it in a moment ago when you were sleeping in the car." Y/N told him before leaving.

"Wait," Jisung stops her once again. "Let's go hang out after I settle down." She look at him for a second and nodded.

That evening the two teenagers head out for a walk to catch up on what they've missed for three months. Jisung told her about the reason why he left. It was for music purposes of course.

"I'm in trainee at the moment that's why I couldn't contact you sometimes. The staffs are very strict." He explain to her as she listen to his reason. She understood him. She didn't mind it but a part of her was sad because of the amount of time left for her. Now that he is limited on time too that also gave her a disadvantage of seeing him again.

Sighing to herself Jisung glance at Y/N.

"Can I tell you something?" He begins.

"All I got in your place was a Polaroid but I still wanted more."


A/N:I made this chapter long for a purpose

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I made this chapter long for a purpose.
Some stuffs will be explained bout the actions.
This whole story was going through lots time skip and some other stuffs will be added in the end.

Polaroid Girl - h.js✔️Where stories live. Discover now