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Ever since his Birthday, Jisung hadn't have the chance to come back to visit her. Y/N didn't mind it one bit, though she was slowly losing her senses. She almost forgotten about Jisung and her pictures that is until he sent her a letter involving Polaroids pictures and lovely messages on them for her not to miss out.

She smiled to herself knowing that he still remembers her existence and keeping in touch whenever he can however those thoughts make her saddened.

What if she wake up one day and totally not remember Jisung?

What if one day she finally lose all her senses and she can't take pictures no more?

What if one day she come to lose her mind and her meaning of life as it's being drained out slowly?

What if one day he comes back and she's dead?

Thoughts like these scares her and it makes her cries herself to sleep.

She was afraid.

Afraid of dying.

Afraid of losing.

Afraid of leaving.

Most importantly, she was afraid of hurting him.


It was one morning in January that Y/N's mother knocked on Y/N's door to wake her up. She has been keeping her daughters accompany not wanting to lose her. Though she knew their happiness wasn't going to stay for long.

"Y/N, dear, it's your mother. You have a visitor." She told her and carefully she step off the bed.

Though, as she stumbled clumsily due to her senses she tripped over a small box sticking out from under her bed. She didn't give it another look.

She stood up and leave it as it is, half opened.

Standing in front of her was the boy of her dream. The one who she had been waiting for a long time. Ever since his birthday they've not spoken to one another due to busy schedules and his managers strict rules of going out every once in a while. He was restricted. However her obeyed their rules only because he didn't want to flunk their relationship but he didn't know one thing, she was forgetting him.

It scares her.

Tears filled her eyes as she stared into his sorry eyes.

"I'm sorry. I took so long. I didn't forget you ever." He said before hugging her tight in his embrace. Y/N on the other hand was questioning her sadness quietly. She didn't know what to feel now.

She felt numb and dumb.

A part of her doesn't know why she is crying but her heart continues to pound and it hurts her more to not know the detail of her feelings nor her surroundings.

Her mother watched in the kitchen as the scene breaks her heart. She knew what her daughter was feeling and going through. She knew there wasn't much time. The last time he came she almost forgotten his name. And then a few times they went out together she almost got herself killed. Her legs, her whole body, she almost couldn't feel it.

She felt like a doll as time comes.

And soon, she will feel cold and eventually lifeless.

They spent a whole day together, mostly with taking pictures. Y/N, however has forgotten a part of what to capture with her camera. She doesn't seem to remember the most important thing to her like before.

Jisung noticed the strange behavior but never questioned it.


"How much longer are you going to be away until the next time we meet again?" She ask him quietly as her voice was as audible as the wind. Jisung held onto the camera strap with one hand as he look into the city beneath them.

The two of them were sitting on the roof top of a building which no one goes to. It was Jisung's secret place.

"I don't know, to be honest, it could be longer. Maybe half a year? Since I have to go by plane it could take a while too. I'm not sure. My manager has been keeping an eye on me lately." He explain to her totally not liking his manager. She sighs and forced a smile.

"Whatever you do, make sure you enjoy it to the best and if you ever want to give up," She cup his face, "remember how long I waited for you because even I didn't give up on you so you shouldn't." A smile tug on his lip as he lean in to close the space between them.

Y/N let a tear drop as they shared their last kiss in which only she will hold on to forever.

If only he knew, then he wouldn't have gone back.


A few months later, Y/N has eventually come to forget the things she loves most. She was being strolled around in a wheel chair as her eyes remain expressionless. She was as lifeless as a doll.

Everything her mother cried and cried for her daughters life to be returned just as it was being taken away slower yet somewhat faster than she thought.

One day Felix felt his phone buzzed. He was confused because never had he remember having this number. Suddenly his eyes widens as he read the message.

Y/N is in the hospital please tell Jisung to come over! This is her mother.

Quickly, panic rise inside of him as he rush over to his friend to tell him the news.

Hurrying back home, Jisung panic as tears blurred his eyes. He doesn't know why he was crying. He should be thinking positive but somehow something was off.

Just as he arrived.

He was a little too late.

All he saw was her body, lifeless, she was as beautiful as a doll yet still as can be. The color of her cheek was gone as her eyes remain closed.

Jisung saw a letter by her side and then a water fall of tears escaped his eyes.

Hey, Jisung by the time you get this letter it'll probably be late but hey it's okay. I'm actually writing this on the day you left after your birthday in case I might forget.

I don't blame you for anything. To be honest, I've had this sickness before I even begin talking to you. It was just recently until we closer that I was slowly beginning to feel something new yet also losing some senses at the same time too.

I'm sorry if I couldn't keep the promise of becoming your personal fan site. I'm sorry if I can't stay with you forever and most importantly I'm sorry for lying to you that day that I was okay. But a part of me knew that I am and was going to be okay. As long as you continue to shine on in the future I know I'll be happy no matter what. This letter is short but this is my last words for you from the bottom of my heart.

Oh and one more thing, go home, go to my room, look under my bed, it's where I keep my most important thing in my life. Find it and I hope you don't forget me like I forget you.

Thank you for everything Jisung.

I love you.

Sincerely, Y/N


Attached to the letter was a Polaroid and a small sentence.

Her last Polaroid she took with her camera.


"Keep smiling like you do

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"Keep smiling like you do."

Polaroid Girl - h.js✔️Where stories live. Discover now