Chapter 4: Uninvited Guest

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Manolo's POV

I then begin to charge and Lingyin with my Saber in my hand and ICBM aimed at her. "Never took you to be a close quarters fighter, Manny." I hear Lingyin call me. "Manny? Sounded a lot like Teresa calling me that. And another thing, I never fight close quarters without these puppies." I aim my twin 7.62 miniguns and begin opening fire. "EEK!" Lingyin shrieked. I chuckled. "Cute." I whisper. I unleashed a barrage of fire at her.

(Like this)

I see Lingyin run from the barrage of gunfire as I do my run and gun technique like I did on Cecilia. "Hey Manolo. Think fast!" She swings her sword at me and I grab Saber to block the attack and stop firing my machine guns. We clash swords like if it was a cliche fight scene from the anime series I love to watch. "Incoming!" I yell. "Huh?!" Reen yells. I rush her out of the way like a football tackle. "What was that for?" Lingyin cried. "I don't want you to get hurt from something else. And because we have an uninvited guest." I point to the center of the arena. It was a giant IS unit. No one was controlling it.

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3rd person POV

The two contenders are observing the unmanned IS unit. "No one is piloting it." Lingyin said. Manolo flies over to it to stare it down. "Manolo!" "Manolo, stand down. What the hell do you think you are doing?" Chifuyu said in his intercoms. "Bro, best do as Ms. Orimura says, otherwise you are going to get the same punishment that we got from mom." Isabella shouted. (We all know what punishment they got. To all my Mexican-American readers, you all know what I mean) "Who are you?" Manolo says to the unmanned IS unit. The unit begins to strike at the young pilot. "Manolo!" Lingyin cried. "Manolo!" Cecilia, Houki, and Ichika yell. A clear barrier surrounds Manolo and his Dullahan's Halo. "A force field?" Reen questioned. He unsheathes his sword and aims his missiles at him. He shoots the missiles at him. "We are coming, you two." Ichika said. Houki and Cecilia follow him to the arena and suppress fire and provide a distraction to escort. "You guys, try to observe it as much as you can and we can hopefully observe that unit through the arena cameras. Shinonono and Estevez, pick him off as quickly as you can while Orimura and Alcott protect Huang and get her to safety." They all nod in response. 

Time skip to the middle of the fight brought to you by Cecilia meeting Luvia doing the "ohohoho" laugh

Houki and Manolo were shooting it off while Ichika was a decoy to aid Cecilia while protecting Lingyin. But the unmanned IS unit had other plans. It set it sights on the Chinese representative contender. "It's going after Reen!" Houki shouted. Manolo dive bombs over to Lingyin. "Manolo! What are you doing?" Houki yelled. "Cecilia. Move out of the way! It's going after Reen!" Manolo shouted. The unmanned IS shot its repulsors at Reen and Manolo dived in front of it and took the force of the attack. "MANOLO!!!" The three yell. They now look at a battered and beaten Manolo. "Get him to the infirmary now!" Chifuyu shouted at the intercom. 

Time skip to the infirmary brought to you by Altria and Mordred meeting Kenny and Levi

Lingyin's POV

I was at the infirmary looking over Manolo who was sleeping peacefully. Stupid of him to take the hit and him being here. But he did save me, so hopefully when he wakes up. I will give him my thanks. I go close to him. I look around because Houki and Cecilia can be sensitive around Manolo. I was about to give him a kiss but was stopped at the sound of the door opening and it shown Houki and Cecilia. "The nerve of Manolo. Reen, what are you doing so close to Manolo? Are you planning to do something to him behind our backs?" Houki said with a hint of anger. "Getting to my darling without involving me." Cecilia said. "Darling?" I say blushing red. "Can you girls get any louder?" Ms. Orimura said walking in. I see Ms. Estevez and Ms. Estevez-Lacroix. "Sounds like a lover's quarrel involving you three and my younger brother. I smell a harem." I turn red along with Cecilia and Houki when Ms. Estevez said that part with a teasing attitude. "You girls go to your dorms. I will notify you when Mr. Estevez's condition improves." Ms. Estevez-Lacroix said. I follow the girls out. 

Teresa's POV

I decide to be a bring a bit of light to this incident involving the injuries to my brother. "I hear we are getting a new student sometime this week. Hopefully stop some of the mellowness involving the unexpected attack on the IS Academy." Chifuyu was looking at me. As well as Isabella."Let's hope so. We have to monitor our baby brother since he did take a nasty repulsor hit." I watch Manolo who was still asleep. Hope he wakes up soon. Mom and Dad may have been with the Coast Guard and Navy, but seeing their son near death wouldn't benefit them. 

Finally back to writing. I was dealing with some personal problems. Next chapter is the introduction of one noble "Frenchman." Hope to see you next chapter. 

And while I was away, I discovered a group of cute ladies from South Korea that call themselves TWICE. I love their music and this song gets me moving. See you next time!

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