Chapter 6; Trust Drive

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The ink of pitch darkness that once covered another ran down her skin with movements so quick nothing was stopping it in its path of madness, her eyes grew wide with fear as she was thrusted into the air with a surge of force from her own two feet. She felt the air brush past her skin with such force it would knock a truck of its study wheels, the ink covered over her legs reaching up her hips and slowly covering her torso down to her arms and then her hands, the movement was over within a matter of 3 seconds flat. She clenched her eyes tightly as she felt herself slowly descend getting faster and faster feeling as if she was going to crash, she couldn't move her limbs at all as if something had taken over, literally. After a few seconds, she felt out of breath unknowing that the whole time that fast seconds has sprinted by that she was screaming, prying her eyes open Annabelle glanced round cautious only to see the top of a huge skyscraper beneath her, "WHAT THE HELL!" she yelled out and clung onto the beam behind her, over 350ft high, the sky was a darkened colour, as if slowly turning to sunset. 'Annabelle calm down' the voice now was loud as she yelped laced in fear before looking down at herself, the ink had covered every part of her body bar her head. It had the texture of ink or paint, the way it clung to her like it was her own clothes, gulping she looked at her hand and her legs. She was taller and more built as if the creature or ink had created their own barrier of a look but she was inside as if armour.

"W-what is this? What am i?" Annabelle shakily asked as she turned her hand to her palm, "both good questions" then slowly the ink began to fade down from her neck down, down, down and slowly hide inside her torso region but with no pain indicated which shocked her, "We are Venom" the voice spoke once again with such a monotone voice is sent a snake chill down her spine, "w-what?" Was her response as the ink slowly began to leak out her back floating into a single head shape, it almost swam in the air with grace, its wisps of ink sludge twirled and swam in the air as it circled her. Its teeth were the stuff of nightmares, sharp and ridged as if never cleaned but never to the point of no return. Bright white large eyes were a prominent feature with a very, very similar look to the hero Spiderman as they stared at her. A deep pink tongue flicked in its jaws like an animal ready to pounce on its prey, yet it continued to only circle her at shoulder height as if letting her get a good look. "We are Venom, you're  our host." It stared as she gulped, It floated in midair in front of her "w-what was that? That thing you did, i w-was just in an alley" she asked as the cold wind whipped across her cheek with a soft nuzzle "that is an excellent question, now. Can we catch lunch first? We're starving".

Annabelle didn't understand anything right about now, from this odd creature that is guiding her to the reason it says "we", it utterly confused her. Allowing the ink to crawl over her once again it rose to her neck, she panicked slightly at the thought of suffocation if it rose any further " it's alright Annabelle, we won't be hurt" it spoke one last time before a nod from her, within seconds it covered her face. Her eyes clenched tightly till she weakly opened them after a few seconds, she felt like she was in the front view of a cinema, front row seat, VR headset. They were running and sprinting over roofs with such speed they could outrun a cheetah on ecstasy, sprinting forward she felt little to none of her stamina drain. When they jumped and landing harshly on her feet she felt almost no impact on her feet, "what's shall we eat?" The voice asked, this timeless muffled and more as if the one was stood beside talking to them as a person "i-i don't know" Annabelle spoke soft as they dive around a lamppost their clawed hand scratching for grip before landing inside a huge lorry who's doors were open for loading the lorry with things for someone moving, a family seemingly.

"W-what are we doing?" Annabelle asked as the creature made them duck behind a couch leant to the side, a man of about 23 stepped into the lorry a flashlight in hand as he scanned the lorry "who's there?" They called out shaky as then Annabelle realised, her eyes wide, within a split second their teeth and tongue had ripped off the man's head from his own shoulders. Annabelle was terrified at the horror she saw, she thought she did, herself. A murder. "Delicious, don't worry, it's not on your hands" they spoke as they ran out up a fully flat wall, "i just killed a guy!!" Annabelle spoke loud and scared as they reached the roof, "technically, i killed them, you're my host so it's on my hands the murders we commit".

Uncovering Annabelle, the creature floated as a head once more "call us Venom", Annabelle looked at them "will you continue eating people?"  She asked her hands a bit sweaty and her cheeks now warm from the whole mind explosion, "Most likely, funny enough my last host said the same exact thing" Venom chuckled as Annabelle rubbed the back of her neck, such fright, on her Birthday too.

Ethan panted looking around the alley frantic, he needed to know if she was okay, glancing around he spotted the soft light from her phone on her camera app. Taking it upon himself he checked the last photo or video on the blue phone case covered phone, it was a 3-second video. Consisted of a blurred video of it dropping with a scream in the background as if from a high height. Terror filled him, his eyes widened scared as his skin when pale, "shes....gone..."...

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