Chapter 7; I'm Sorry

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Annabelle sighed deeply as she walked down the street, she had been out for six hours without a capable phone call to anyone. Her parents knew she was safe, yet Ethan didn't.

Mustering up her strength she opened the door, Eliza greeted her the same way she always did. Purring. This was a signature trait of hers, nuzzling to her leg Annabelle placed her bag down that she had retrieved by the door and made her trek upstairs quietly as it was early morning, where birds sang sweetly in the early hours. She sighed deeply "only an hour and 45 minutes to sleep" flopping back on her bed eyes shut she began to melt into the bed as a deep slumber began to make her succumb to its powerful will. 

'BEEP BEEP BEEP' groaning the sleeping beauty threw her hand over her phone as it peeked out from underneath her purple and black fluffy blanket Duve, slowly she emerged from beneath her fortress and sighed turning off the alarm on her phone. Ever since 2 months ago when her exam practices started she broke her last alarm clock by throwing it across her room while she was on her monthly cycle, or as her mother calls it 'shark week' which Annabelle she thought was dumb but never denied it as she understands where she's coming from. Quickly realising she might be late Annabelle ran to do her daily routine while she texted a cute good morning message to Ethan as usual, scooping up her phone and sitting at the dinner table in the kitchen the young teen began to munch down her cereal while she used a blue hairbrush to untangle her brown chocolate locks of their twisted pose. "hey babe, morning" Anne smiled at her daughter as Annabelle slightly smiled tying her hair up in a high ponytail while having a smile in her mouth, finishing off her cereal and quickly thanking her mum for washing her bowl and spoon she hugged her and headed for the door with a calm pace. Passing Eliza and Jason she gave both of them a kiss on the top of their heads with Jason cutely smiling in his fit of giggles,  In response to the kiss Eliza purred a bit louder as Annabelle walked to the door and began to leave smiling softly checking her phone. 

Walking down the busy morning streets the 16 year-old placed her earphones in, turning on her favourite song currently she heard a deep rough voice in her mind, The same one from yesterday 'Turn off the shit, put some good song on' her eyes widen slightly jumping looking around for the answer of the voice. All she saw was the huge crowds of people walking with headphones on, chatting to one another and keeping close to the other salmon amongst the pack of walkers. She looked for the voice before hearing it again 'Come on, im no one night stand. Venom remember?" The voice stated as to which the memory of last night flooded back to her, of the change and then to Ethan. Nodding she turned another song on and walked a bit faster while muttering "I remember now" she glanced around the streets as she stood to cross, yellow cabs flying down the streets caring their paying passengers. "Better do, anyway, where are we going?" It asked ominously as she walked down streets gently waving to the Poticips who were driving down the road together in a mini, "school" she stated softly as she fixed her earphone into her ear. "Oh, hell?" Venom asked as Annabelle walked down the road coming close to her school, Scorpton Academy, an alright school for New York kids who need to get somewhere in life other than out the city for their own good.

Walking up into the school she searched for Ethan spotting Xander by a tree talking to a friend of his, he was wearing a blue beanie to compliment his black hair with a nice maroon jacket and blue jeans. When she thought about it he looked like he was more dressed to impress than casual, it made her head tilt. Walking over she tapped his shoulder as to which he turned his head to her "hm?" He adjusted his glasses," Xander have you seen Ethan?" He pondered on the question before nodding and telling his friend he was going to show her there, walking down the hall he smiled "He's in the Music Department, i was just about to head there myself".

Entering the department Annabelle scanned for her blonde bestie, he was a guitarist so she looked towards the line of guitars hung up on the wall. Smiling in relief, as to which Xander saw she ran over to Ethan who was sat strumming the light brown acoustic guitar he had had for 7 years. Almost half his life was with that guitar, and her. He looked perfect for a second she just stood still, his varsity jacket tied around his waist as he sat on a small stool, his green shiny emerald eyes shone as he had one leg crossed over the other picking his tanned fingers over the guitar a silver ring on his index finger that you had got him for his birthday last year. Little did she know, Xander watched, a hand in his pocket as he stared at her. Advancing after she snapped out she tapped him on the shoulder as to which he turned his head, his eyes shot brightly like the fourth of July fireworks as he got up quickly putting his guitar down and picked her up in his arms spinning on the spot a little as to which she giggled and held on, " Annabelle! You're safe! I was so worried!".

She proceeded to explain that the video he had seen was for her media class and that it was all special effects she had used to make it, all the meanwhile Venom was commenting on how he wouldn't believe it. As to which Ethan did, Ethan refused to believe she was lying to him as they had been friends for so long. Xander rolled his eyes softly as he walked over and better introduced himself to Ethan as the trio then took up their own seats in a circle either of the males being beside her in her view, with a smile Annabelle sat on an office chair slightly spinning herself side to side as Xander perched on a stool. Ethan began to pluck at his guitar smiling wider knowing Annabelle was safe in his care, as for Xander he gently tossed two drumsticks in his hands as if to impress someone in particular only to receive a giggle of hers in response when he whistled trying to make it seem as if nothing was difficult. Shuffling beside her Ethan began strumming one of her favourite songs from their childhood that reminded her of a time when they were both on swings and she fell off but he was there to save her with a band-aid. The song was Demons by Imagine Dragons which he played beautifully without missing a string, note or beat. Without thinking she began to sing with a cute smile causing both Xander and Ethan to beam widely listening with an open heart and smile on their faces.

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