Chapter 13; He's Back

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Carnage landed strong jabs of punches into the bulk of symbiote mass with ease making sure that each landed with a ton of power, Venom's eyes widen as they stared at Carnage listening to Annabelle which Venom covered protectively. She was shaking within their blanket cover. Carnage was like a dart. Lethal. Agile and Brisk in the way they sprinted through the air slamming punches, claws and harsh kicks to the chaotic being of grey-scale colour. Within a few launches of punches and even throwing cars Carnage pounced upon Riot shoving him into the harsh concrete before attempting to split the symbiote from the host until Riot got a harsh kick to Carnage's mid torso kicking him off. Venom quickly got people out the way before grabbing a lamppost and bending it and ripping it from the pavement, "OI!" Venom yelled in their low feminine tone before launching it towards Riot, much like a baseball bat, who attempted to brace the impact skidding back resulting in the fracturing of the concrete behind his heels.

Carnage turned his head to Venom as to which, just for a second, there was silence. As if without a change of facial expression change they agreed on one thing, get rid of Riots power against them. Riot regained his composure pissed and enraged as he began to sprint towards Venom as began a chase between 3 symbiotes. Venom lead the crusade of war sprinting through the monumental towers leaning over them need it be skyscrapers to apartments sprinting on all fours tongue out hanging jaws wide open as they mentally reassured Annabelle inside, she was panicking, adrenaline taking over as all was a race, a race for power. A race for triumph. A race of the symbiotes. By now the news festered off the symbiotes worldwide. 



The headlines plastered every electronic device it could, like a virus it spread, Annabelle knew what was happening. She will have to keep venom in hiding more than ever, no one will trust them. Her world was collapsing and she couldn't do anything to save it. The world was riding on Venom and this mass of carnage to defeat Riot, Carnage came up fast behind them like an 18 wheeler truck ploughing through a car to do so crushing it, Annabelle feared the worst for a split moment she thought of how it would launch at her and Venom, mouth gaping for a taste of slime barrier to flesh. Yet...

Carnage sprinted ahead. As if a game it lunged with all its might glancing behind taunting Venom and Riot that they where quicker, as to a fact, they were. Venom smirked, Annabelle watched encased in Venom's warm solitude of protection as they launched up onto a roof dashing for the tallest building in NYC, One World Trade Centre, with Riot so close behind. Venom launched up onto the building slamming their claws into the glass as they proceeded to utilise their full arm power to throw themselves up using feet as grips for more power. Carnage bolted ahead to the top using speed keeping low to the glass not needing half the power only twice the momentum. Riot lifted himself up launching up clawed razor hand aiming for Venom's ankle without any hesitation the chase turned sour as the bear trap clasped round Venom's ankle as to which Venom's eyes widened. "Fuck..." Without a moment to loose Venom was thrown out to the side slamming like a door flung open with such force glass shattered and splintered into Venom's back as they collided with the floor inside.

Riot chased after Carnage towards the top not stopping one bit, As soon as Riot got to the top...all was silent...Riot let out a low monstrous growl as he walked round the roof carefully as his blank eyes scanned for any signs of life, any signs of the traitor....  

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