Chapter 8; Chaos and Riot Pt. 1

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After several weeks of Annabelle and Venom getting closer and being better at working together as partners and not forced friends, Xander has slowly become a closer friend, everything seemed to be going swimmingly for the four of them. 

Annabelle smiled as she walked down the street with Xander side by side, both of them decided to stay at school a little later than normal as with revision for their close GCSE's were pushing them both over the limits. Ethan had went home early complaining about a real bad stomach pain and cramps, he described it as female cramps on "Satan's week" as he saw how bad it was for his close friends and sisters, they depicted it as being stabbed. Annabelle remembered when she was on Satan's week and she texted Ethan about being hungry and her stomach hurting that he brought it upon himself at 10pm to go to the nearest 7/11 and buy her, her favourite snacks and drinks and coming back to climbing up to her window and climbing in silent not to alarm Eddie. Which as you can imagine was very protective as he had only known Ethan for about a year but not very well so he was protective as all parents are, Ethan had tucked her up and sat on a beanbag beside her bed as they watched The Titanic and ate snacks all night till 4am which Ethan had to flee.

Xander sat with her on the swings of a park called Stoneridge Park, it was a very sweet old park, like a fine wine for that matter. The grass was fresh green and perfect for the few dogs of all types and kids of all ages that ran around each other basking in the sunlight, couples and families were all walking together down the dirt path or sat having a picnic on a blanket trying to get away from the struggles of day to day electronic life. Xander smiled wearing a deep blue jacket over his white shirt and jeans with a pair of black converse to match, every second with her seemed to brighten his day fully putting a wider smile than before on his softly freckled pale face to see her eyes shine brightly. To him, her eyes were like a vast galaxy, a void of beauty and enlightenment that only the person holding her hand and heart can ever wish to stare into and get lost. To him, Annabelle was beautiful, weather it was the time she ran into school with a bit of her make up smudged or hair a mess because she was late. She was adorable, and he wanted to tell something to her but couldn't. His mind had override his senses telling him every incorrect outcome if he had told her, and to him, 99% of the time she didn't handle what he wanted to tell her well. 

"Annabelle...?" he asked going shy gently propping his glasses up on the ridge of his nose, "yes?" she responded as she swung softly on the aged swing beside the gentleman she had closely bonded to, to which she wanted to be able to comfort him. "I... I was originally a female...." he panicked seeing her head look up from the floor below as to which she swung so calmly, "you're transgender?" she asked calmly as her eyes softened slowly swinging to a stop to which he was already stationary, "y-yes... I'm sorry if your disappointed..." Xander glanced down as her eyes widened a little taken back before she frankly walked over and encased him in a warm hug were her head rested on his chest her arms round his lower waist. "Your gender doesn't affect my emotions Xander" flashing a cute smile he began to relax and slowly wrapped his arms around her feeling the tension string snip away to a calm flow, "Your still the Xander who helped me get my book back, the one who helped me out. " she hugged as he closely wrapped his arms around her back slightly leant down just like Ethan does to her, she wished Ethan was here to hug him too. But to Xander, he was glad he wasn't, "also, my full name is Alexander" he softly smiled to the cute small bean as he held her in his arms afraid almost if he let go she would fly away like the entrancing dove she was.

Grumbling Ethan walked out from his house throwing his hood up, his mum once again forced him out to get shopping saying it was "an emergency" and if he didn't he was grounded which to him was dumb. Cold hands shoved into the warm pockets of his varsity jacket as he looked round the busy roads and streets, billboards plastered advertisements like a cinema for all the passer-by's to glance at and admire. People were everywhere in his eyes, everywhere, people. It made his mind wonder if more people had moved to the big apple or he just never paid attention to his surroundings. "This is dumb" he grumbled as he walked across the road hands stuffed into his pockets to protect his keys, phone and money. Ethan was a fairly built lad for his age so squishing between people came a small task for him with his extremely polite attitude to add onto it, glancing towards a park to entertain his bored mind he saw the person he always loves to see. Annabelle, her smaller slight hourglass frame in the arms of Xander hugging closely. Some sort of rage built up into him, he didn't know why, but he knew that Annabelle only hugs him and close family members like that. Lip bleeding slightly from his white teeth sinking into it he tried to resist the dying urge to march over there, yet he didn't want to interrupt. Standing there as it slowly began to rain he felt nothing but jealousy, jealousy was a poison and carnage massacre that had flooded his veins and arteries spreading it over him like an infection. With no physical cure, nothing. Eyes dulling of their usual shine of green, of his usual shine...  

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