Chapter two

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I awoke many times during the night with nightmares erupting my head. I finally gave up sleep at 8 o' clock the next morning.

  I skipped a shower and slapped on some khakis, black boots and a skull shirt. I let down my braid that I put up the night before and watched the faint waves fall dramatically on my shoulders. Maybe now I could have some volume.

  I scooted down the hall to my bathroom and washed my face. Afterwards, I applied some gray eye-shadow with mascara and purple lipstick.

  I clunked down the steps and swerved into the kitchen, meeting my parents. My slightly chubby father sat at the dining table, doing his crossword while my mother cooked French toast. The sweet aroma slid up my nostrils.

  "Morning, sweetie," greeted my father, still doing his crossword and sipping on a cup of coffee.

  Dad was a natural brunette, but he unfortunately went bald about a year ago. His eyes were a deep green and his cheeks were round and plump.

  "Hey, daddy," I said briefly before I sat in the chair across from him.

"How many slices do you want?" asked my mom motioning towards the pan of bread and egg.

  I held up two fingers and Mom nodded. She had a glint of satisfaction in her eye, for I never ate which caused my mother worry. I glanced down at my extremely thin stomach.

  Once the delicious treats were cooked, my mom handed me a plate and I flipped two on it. After that, I smothered both of them with butter and drowned them in syrup.

  "That's not very healthy," Mom remarked. I ignored her. The polite thing to do was respond, but I was just too busy stuffing my face with the deliciousness. Mom didn't seem to mind though, and neither did Daddy.

  I wolfed the toast down in about five seconds and got choked a bit. Luckily, my mom handed me a tall glass of orange juice to wash down the bread.

  "How do you plan to spend the day?" Mom asked, fixing a plate of her own.

  I shrugged, "I dunno." I never planned out my days like my mother. She was always neat and organized while I was more of a "wing-it" type of girl.

  Mom glanced at me for a second bit quickly returned her gaze at her meal. Mom didn't put any syrup or butter on her French toast, which I always found sort of odd.

  "Perhaps all three of us could go out and do something today," Daddy suggested. "It's beautiful out today."

  I turned to set my plate into the sink and didn't respond. Old fashioned family time didn't sound appealing to me.

  "That sounds like a good idea. How about you, Bailey?" asked my mother.

  I sighed. I had no choice now unless..."I think Harper wants to hang out today," I lied.

"Is that so? I thought you had no plans," Accused Mom.

  "I'll have to text her and see. I will let you know in a sec." The fibs just kept coming.

  Mom sighed, and gave an agitated look to my father. He replied by a concerned expression.

  I turned back and stomped up the stairs to fetch cell phone. I came upon my room and softly cut the door behind me.

  Hey, you wanna hang out today? I messaged her.

  I waited for a minute or two before she replied. I suppose so. What do u want 2 do?

  The both of us were always grammatically lazy when it came to instant messaging. U know how it is. I told her. I don't really care. maybe we could go get coffee and smoke weed later.

  To be honest, I wasn't much of a marijuana fan. However, Harper is crazy addicted to it, and since she's the only friend I hang out with, she has got me hooked.

  Sounds good. Harped replied. I just got 3 ounces the other day. I saved it for ya.

  See u at the coffee shop in 10. I told her before I slid the iPhone into my back pocket.

I raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. I followed the act by telling my parents that I was going to Starbucks (and leaving out the pot aspect of the story). Before I knew it, I was out the door and in my Volvo, going to meet Harper.





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