chapter sixteen

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I panicked. I looked at everyone in the room, and I started to hyperventilate. Brian automatically threw his arm over my shoulder, whispering in my ear, "Follow me."

"Hold them off for as long as possible," Dana's grandfather ordered the others.

Brian took me to the other end of the basement to an excluded bookcase that was by itself. Brian then let go of me and started fumbling through the books. Most fell to the ground, but one remained attached, and it reacted like a lever. Brian jerked it forward and the bookcase creaked open as if it was a regular door, just like in old horror movies.

Inside was a tunnel, narrow and dark. Brian quickly shoved his hands into his pockets, drawing out his keys. On them was a small but bright flashlight that would lead us through this eerie passage.

Brian urged for me to go first, and I didn't hesitate. Brian followed me, closing the bookcase behind him and shining the flashlight to light the way. This place was quiet, silent even. The only noise perceived in the tunnel was our feet padding on the ground and echoing through the passage.

The two of us moved in haste, hoping that no cops will find our escape route. My heart pounded hard, for I was afraid.

I couldn't believe that they had found me, and it wouldn't just be me going to jail this time. I knew that the others would be convicted of hiding a criminal.

But wait, that didn't make any sense. How could they have found the bodies? We buried them deeper than even necessary. And how did they track us here?

I wiped the thoughts from my mind and just focused on getting away. They couldn't arrest me. I had to find Harper in whatever realm, dimension, or anything else. They couldn't take me, not now.

"Where does the tunnel lead?" I asked in between breaths.

"Underground," Brian replied. "Almost like a cellar."

With that in mind I kept on, perhaps a little more relaxed. However, my calmness for the moment isn't last long at all, for I heard it. I could here the creaking noise.

"Run," Brian urged me.

I broke out into a sprint, Brian at my heals. He flicked off the flashlight and shoved it back into his pocket.

The tunnel was curving downhill now, and I could see beams of light just over my head. They were catching up with me. I moved in haste, my feet sliding in the smooth stone floor.

The path grew steeper and steeper and eventually I was more sliding rather than running. I fell onto my back but I didn't stop. I sped down down down when I could see a dead end.

I was heading straight for a brick wall. I did all but scream. I panted, I whimpered. I thought all hope was lost when I couldn't feel the floor anymore. I was falling into a deep black abyss.

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