Chapter eleven

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   After everyone was bathed and freshened up,  I was practically being dragged into a car, by Dana, and all of us were heading down the highway in a huge SUV.

    "Can I please drive?" asked Steven, smirking. Dana, who was in the driver's seat, smiled back at him. Then, she gazed back towards the rural road.

     I sat in the middle seat in the back, in between Brian and Steven. Harper sat delighted in the passenger seat. I surmised that they only let her take shotgun so she would just shut up, and I was probably right.

    I sat slumped in my chair, twiddling my thumbs. I had worn a pair of jeans from Dana, and a long sleeved pink shirt, which I despised except for the fact that it his my scars. It didn't even fit quite right.

     "How long is it gonna be?" asked Harper impatiently.

"Not too much longer," replied Dana, who desperately hid her annoyance.

     Harper, who wore the same close as she did the day before, sat back relaxing, seat back and everything.

    I stared ahead, deep in horrendous thought. How would I be able to fix what was happening to me? What would it cost? Pure dread trickled down my spine and anxiety made my chest nearly explode. I held back tears.

    My twisted emotions were interrupted by a tap on my left shoulder, and I jerked back alarmingly. To my relief, it was Brian, his eyes even more empathetic than before.

     I just stared at him, as helpless as ever. He knew what I was, a murderer. He knew what physical pain that I inflicted on myself, so there was no purpose of hiding how I felt now. All I could do was gaze.

    Brian's thin hand fell on my shoulder in comfort. "Its ok," he said briefly. His sharp blue eyes seemed to glisten. They were vivid, beautiful.

    "Here we are!" called a now ecstatic Dana. Brian's hand released me, but the thumping in my chest remained. He gave me one deep glance before hopping out of the SUV.

   After I slid out of the large vehicle, I faced a small, wooden house which seemed to be Dana's Grandfather's home. It was disheveled, however, and looked nearly abandoned. I almost felt sorry for the architecture with its bent front door and splintery walls.

   Dana led the pack, lightly stepping to the small house, and Steven was practically at her heals. With confidence, Brian was not even two feet behind the group. Harper and I strayed in the back, like usual.

     Dana rapped hard on the metallic door once she arrived. "Grampa!" she hollered. "It is Dana. We need to speak to you."

    It took a long bit before the elderly man answered his granddaughter's call, but once I set eyes on him, I knew why. The old man was feeble, and he hunched over. "What do you want?" he barked.

    "Grampa," Dana called again. "Its me." Her face was concerned.

   "Oh my," Dana's Grandfather said. "I am sorry, my dear. My hearing has gone down the toilet. Come in."

    One after the other, all of us piled in, and the old man motioned for all of us to sit. Harper guided me in and made me plop unto the couch like everyone else.

      "Would anyone like a drink?" the grandfather asked. "Food?"

      "No, Grampa," Dana answered for all of us. "We need help."

     Steven sat beside her, and he nodded to the grandfather whom was was sitting in a leather recliner before us. Brian was beside me, and harper was on the opposite side.

      My heart fluttered each time that Brian shifted in his seat, and occasionally he would even gaze my way. I sat on edge, unable to comprehend all of it. Don't get too hopeful I thought. He won't like me, not like that. I sighed silently and turned back to the old man.

    "What kind of help?" the man asked suspiciously.

     "Do you still dabble in the paranormal spectrum?" Steven asked firmly.

      The grandfather's face twisted in rage and he stood slowly. "Never again!" he yelled.

     My heart sunk slowly. All hope was lost.


Em note: Hello everyone. Sorry that it took me so long to update but I will do the best I can. Its been busy! Well, please vote for the chapters you enjoy and comment, whether it is a question, suggestion, or complement. Thanks. Enjoy the story.



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