Chapter four

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I stood over the motionless Shae, mouth agape. I knelt down beside her after a few moments when she didn't get back up. I slid my finger down to the base of her neck, and felt nothing but cold skin. She has no pulse I thought in horror.

  I tried CPR for a few minutes, but it was no use. I had killed Shae, and I was now a murderer.  My heart pounded wildly in my chest, and I felt as if I was going to pass out.

  "oh god..." I began to whisper. "Oh god oh god. No no no." The words grew louder. I was hyperventilating and I clasped both hands on either side of my face.

  It was the eyes that got me, always those eyes. All of the emotion had left Shae's face and was now dim and lifeless.

  I'm dead I thought. I will either die in prison or get the death penalty.

  I jerked over to the shocked face of David, whom of which had sat in the corner, witnessing the entire "Misunderstanding." His dark eyes were wide and locked on Shae.

  Harper was still full of fury but the brawl was over. Chelsea lay down on the rug, still alive but barely. Her breaths were raspy and short. Blood dripped from her nose and she had a black eye.

  Harper looked at me, and then the body. Her twisted, angry face slowly faded into shock, confusion. "What the hell?"

  I turned away, and I hysterically ran from the room, sobbing. My wails could not be suppressed, not then. I grabbed for a small knife and started frantically cutting my wrist. I hated myself already, but after this day, I could never be forgiven.

  "Stop it!" Shouted Harper running in on me. She grabbed me from being and ripped the knife from my hands.

  I fell to my knees, still weeping. Blood dripped from my forearms and unto the tile floor in the kitchen. I was under control, now.

  Harper slowly knelt in front of me. and lifted up my chin. Her pretty blue eyes were full of concern. "What happened?"

  So, I told her everything, how Shae died, and how everything led up to that point. Harper kept nodding her head and never taking her eyes off of mine.

  After the story was told, Harper stood slowly, helping me up with her. "It was self defense."

  I shook my head. "We started it."

  "No, I did," Harper informed me. "I will pay for that. You don't have to."

  "But-" I sniffed. Harper's hand shot up and stopped me.

  "You are not the bad guy in this," She assured me once more. The guilt didn't leave at those words. It lingered, and it gnawed at my heart, my sole. I have killed. Not only that, but I had no clue what to do with it.

  Harper led me to the coach and sat me down. That was the first real time that I could see the damage done to her. Harper's beanie had been lost in the fight, and her hair was now frizzy and disheveled. There were scratch marks across her cheeks and a few small bruises.

  I looked back over at Shae. A pool of blood had poured out by her head, and her face was indescribably deformed with blood covering up the majority of it. The sight looked like it came straight out of a horror movie. Who was I kidding? This was a horror movie.

  David had disappeared. I just about panicked until I heard the heaving sounds coming from the bathroom. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Apparently not everybody can deal with such gore in one day.

  "What do we do?!" I asked, still a bit shocked.

  "What else can we do? We tell the truth," suggested Harper.

   I shook my head wildly, whipping my long hair back and forth. "No..."

  Harper stood up to face me. "If we run, we get caught and then both of us go to jail."

   I stared at her, a crazed, terrified look in my eye. "I can't have you gone," I stated. "You are all that I've got."

  Harper pitied me, I could see it in her eyes. I could only imagine how pathetic I appeared, yet I still gained sympathy from it.

  "Then all we can do is clean up and burn the body."

  "And what about Chelsea?"

  Both of us stared at the immobile body of Chelsea. Her eyes were open, but she didn't speak to us. We watched her eyes flutter closed, and back open again. Chelsea did this routine four or five times before her eyes never reappeared under the bloody eyelids. Her head thudded as it fell sideways unto the carpet.

  "Make that two bodies to burn," said Harper angrily.


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