Chapter seventeen

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Just as my life flashed before my eyes, I landed on a soft cushion to stop my fall. Brian came after me but he quickly got up and turned a crank on a far wall. The whole above us slid shut and was completely sealed. We were safe.

Brian stared at me, holding his index finger up to his lips to signal for me to be quiet. His crystal blue eyes were firm.

I nodded slowly and curled up in the soft cushion. It was silent, so much that I could hear my heart thump.

Above us, hard feet thumped as the police officers jogged to find where we were. I listened carefully, but I didn't dare move, didn't breathe.

"What the hell?" Said one male voice. "They couldn't have just disappeared."

"I know." Said a much deeper, possibly African accented voice. "You heard that scream too, right?"

"There is no way anyone could have missed it."

"What do we do?"

"Look this place is way too suspicious. Bring everyone here into questioning and do their investigation later."

"Works for me," said the lower voice. The cops thudded away. Only when I couldn't hear them anymore did I slowly exhale, and tears came with it.

Brian crawled over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "It'll be ok," he hushed me. He sat up and so did I, and Brian held me tight. I trembled in his arms as he stroked my hair.

"What do we do now?" I sobbed. "They are gone, and we are trapped down here."

"There is another way out. We grab the books and go."

I could only nod and we stood. And I followed Brian to the exit.

"NO!" growled an inhuman voice. The voice struck me like a brick, and I screamed. The creatures appeared.

"Bailey," Brian whispered in my ear. "They are blocking the exit."

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